Mercy changes were unjust

Honestly the backwards GA and Superjump speed reductions, were alright-will take time to get use to but all in all I think it would have been the best way to address her sudden hypermobility.

I know I was BEGGING for some interaction between Mercy’s healing and crit health teammates but this change is just dumb at the cost of her normal healing to be knoch down 10hps.

I think the thing that frustrates me the most is the loss of her passive. HER OWN PASSIVE that was nerfed when it became the role passive-is now gone. Her new one is just…ugh I hate it.

And you know what? These changes aren’t going to address the issues with Damage Boost Pocket. It’s just going to make it worse now.

Oh? My mobility is now trashed? Ok guess I won’t be GAing as much now. Oh my healing is down? Guess I won’t top off anymore.

Seriously I don’t think anyone one the balance team plays Mercy or if they do they play the rubberband M1 down and walk away.


This new community wanted mercy DEAD and this happened.

Way to gut a huge chunk of support player base to entice these new players who don’t even know how to play.


Fair, there were a lot of posts that I just skipped because they seemed dumb.

I agree that part of what made Mercy’s utility a problem was that she was hard to kill. But res and blue beam were definitely the main offenders, at least to me.

Not for anyone trying to kill bad Mercys without hitscan. Her mobility was blatantly too much

I remember when Valk got introduced and everyone was calling her ult a “spectator mode”. Mercy is literally going to just stand and watch her dps now since she will have to save her GA to save herself.

Blizzard gave us OW1 Mercy’s passive because the new support passive wasn’t good enough to help her stay alive in 5v5. How is she expected to stay alive now? You’re low on health/being dived? Better hope an ally is critical nearby, or even damaged. Even then it’s only *15 hp/s on critical and (*iirc) *11 hp/s on non-critical allies. Zenyatta heals for *30 hp/s with his orb.

Ashe’s dynamite does more damage than Mercy heals herself by beaming an ally now. I’m pretty sure Widows mine does more damage. She moves slower during GA, whatever that’s fine… Now it’s a 2.5 second cooldown though? Better hope you get far enough away with this first one and god forbid the enemy has a movement ability.

Mercy is loved because she was FUN to play. She wasn’t broken at all, her movement was good and whatever nerf the speed a bit. All of these changes are insane and I’m worried Blizzard won’t revert them.

She joins Sombra in the void now! Great job balance team! Maybe if they played their own game with their eyes open they would balance it better.

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


Sojourn was the one with the nerf were damage boost no longer effects her charge time.

Don’t know where the nerf on mercy specifically is coming from.

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What do you mean?? She got a net buff…

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How? If you don’t damage her pocket, but you damage her… she has to run to a different teammate for gold beam to heal herself or wait for the role passive to kick in. With her mobility very slightly nerfed the role passive is less reliable.

This change, on paper granted, encourages Mercy players to triage and provides potential counterplay to blue beam WITHOUT nerfing blue beam.

I see this as a win on all fronts.

And despite the Mercy mains crying, her mobility DID need a tune down. This MAY be too much, but that’s easy enough to correct midseason.

It’s also counter intuitive because why would I risk using GA to triange someone when I might need it for myself,so why not just keep damage boosting from a safe distance.


Which you can’t do, because you don’t have the mobility required to jump from one side of the field to the other whenever it’s required.


“New Mercy ult idea…Mercy stands still and just cries”



unfortunately Blizzard takes input from the top streamers on changes. As you can see Rein got buffs because of one certain streamer wanted them. Mercy got nerfed because another streamer can’t aim.


Huh? You forgot the huge buffs she got? Might be even better than before.

I thought support were supposed to get some love on season 3… What is this? Really?


Good, won’t miss their crying about Mercy.

That bad? first off we havent played it yet just had not even 24 hours with it and her new passive makes her almost unkillable in ult if you team is fighting

How exactly if yiu have 2 teamate weak you would want to switch to get more healing on them and your self

Of course im gonna see how it feels, but so far this just makes me done being a support player. Guess ill just play dps.

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just look at the patch it is obvious for those who adjust the balance nerfs to heroes that are hardly used, in the last patch they killed a tank so as not to nerf kiriko’s garbage and now they take more than 100 HP from all tanks in modes without role queue so useless can play their 5 crap dps are useless

If these changes stay I will genuinely quit Overwatch. Probably better for my mental health anyway. Being a support in this game feels like absolute trash.


At this point might as well xD