If I was Jeff, I wouldn’t mention it unless there was a change I was certain I was going to implement. Kind of feel bad for Jeff making a fun game just to have people retaliate when character adjustments are made. This happens in literally every champion/hero based game. And why mercy is supposed to be immune to this is frankly beyond me.
I’m a mercy main and I hate her current state but I don’t think we should be so toxic towards the devs like come on guys. We ALL need to be a little more mature because every post like this increases toxicity towards mercy mains so much and it makes all of us look awful.
With that being said, I don’t think the fact that mercy was meta is any reason or excuse for mercy to be underpowered now. I’ve said this a million times but the only reason I’ve seen as to why people are against mercy buffs is some excuse about her being meta before so we should just suck it up since the other healers were in a bad spot for a long time. But there’s no logic behind this idea, it’s all fueled by emotions and grudges, and it’s a generally bad practice to follow cuz then there won’t ever be any balance for the support category, someone will always dominate and someone will always be a throw pick if we truly followed this ideology.
Is so funny how people think that mercy was fun when she was “OP” with her new rework! (We didn’t asked for it!!!) Mercy was way more playable and fun before her stupid rework. We have the right to fight because it was just unfair!!! WE DIDN’T ASKED FOR THE REWORK!!!
Fun is subjective and can not be quantified. One of my biggest gripes with the nonstop “muh mercy main” posts. I have more to respond to. But quoting on the phone is the biggest hassle and its unpleasant to do so. I’ll respond more if I remember once I get off work.
Objective fun exists and subjective reasons is clearly not a problem for Blizz. Remember one of the reasons that got her reworked in the first place?
Welcome to a moba. A fps moba. But a moba. The game and the characters in it constantly change. Another reason why I dislike “mains”. Your character changes and now you dont know what to play anymore. I mean you can play however you want. But in a moba “maining” one thing is asking for eventual disappointment.
Mercy is balanced, but her kit just doesn’t do that much. There’s no reward towards playing as Mercy.
Healing per second is 50 which does heal, but not enough when she uses valk. Guardian angel works. Damage boost should get a buff to where it can heal teammates at a small percentage. Valkyrie is a bad ult in general since it doesn’t seem usual at healing, but for damage boost or nano pistol battle mercy against 200hp targets.
I just wish they would revery mercy back to mass rez ult, but make it to where you need to have line of sight and E ability (it could be a protective barrier or whatever the community sees fair). I just want Mercy to be viable and not essentially be the to go, situational hero, when team has a pharah or bastion shield meta. Also, they should bring back 60 hps as well.
Not according to statistics…
”Mercy is balanced claims: I’ve heard people say that Mercy is fine, that Mercy is in a good place, that she’s more balanced than she’s ever been, etc. These claims are 100% false. Mercy’s win rates are below the tier average throughout the SR spectrum. The problem gets progressively worse the higher up you go. Being 3% away from the tier average is incredibly bad, given that the entire spread of win rate averages of commonly played characters is about 6%. Statistically, if you are playing Mercy right now then you are deranking, and if you’re playing her in high ranks then you’re throwing.
Another version of this attempts to shield itself from reality by making the non falsifiable claim that Mercy is fine because she still has mobility, consistency, damage boost, and res. You can tell that a claim about Mercy is on its face wrong if you can make it verbatim regardless of what number her healing is changed to. But even more importantly than that, this kind of theoretical analysis is not very useful. The final arbiter of what is good in Overwatch is what actually happens in the game, and the actual numbers point out clear as day that Mercy is not fine. Just as a reminder - after the Ana nerfs pros thought she would always be fine because she still had anti heals, sleep, and high burst healing.”
A reason being subjective is not relevant to Blizzard therefore isn’t an issue therefore you don’t need to dismiss fun because it’s subjective. There ya go Mr. Vague af.
Not really. Dont care. I’m not arguing with blizzard. I’m arguing with you.
Balanced for these damage boost metas or pharah pocket, but not actually balanced to where she can viable or can be seen as a main healer. They should get rid of valk. I really don’t like valk in general.
I would honestly just go Orisa. Lol, even in those scenarios she isn’t balanced because she easily gets undermined by Orisa. At this point, just dumpster Valkyrie. It’s honestly horrible and was scrapped during the alpha for a reason.
One tricking is also one of the best ways to improve your overall skill. It allows you to learn from and play with much better players.
Orisa is an amazing tank hero. I like playing as main tank Orisa. Thank god they’re make her shots accurate.
Also gimps you when the one thing you have bothered learning how to play is being hard countered. Forcing your team to play a 5v6 because they now have a dead leg that they have to work around.
Valk is trash (you just enter in spectator mode because you cannot out heal anything) you cannot rez because you move like a slug and everything goes to hell… we need a more inpactful ult to be honest (BTW MASS REZ WAS AWESOME!)
That claim is 100% false. Where are you getting your stats? Overbuff? Private profiles (that a large portion of the community have set to) are not taken into consideration.
Something could show a win rate of 70% but actually have a win rate of 40% due to the needed information not being able to be pulled.
Her win-rate is going down faster than expected though
Is there any evidence private profiles skew the data? Just reducing sample size does nothing.
If you were struggling to keep up with mercy as moira before the nerf, then you’re trash at healing. You should try playing another role.
You’re kidding right? If 1000 people play one game against each other, 500 of those have private profiles, you could have that 100% of the people won their games even though it’s impossible to get anything other than 50% won their games.
That’s how skewed it can get… Do you even math?