Mercy can't possibly have been designed by someone who loves playing her

Sure it does… She’s unfun for me. So I can with 100% certainty guarantee that the idea that Mercy is unfun holds true for at least one owner of the game. If hundreds or thousands of other Mercy players start to agree on this then there might be change, but if all who find her to be unfun stay quiet then there certainly will not be any change. The only way to get a change is if a popular youtube streamer or OWL professional states something to their huge following, or if one of the devs in charge happen to be of a certain opinion, or if a significant part of the players of a certain hero make their opinions heard in unison. I am doing my part… simple as that.


and for that I commend you but this is precisely an open forum and I’m giving you my counter point, now if we trickle down to “my opinion and my perception are fact” then Mercy IS fun is my opinion and my perception and let me tell you, even if all the Mercy OTPs get together you have 27 hero other OTPs against you, the game is not Mercy, the game is Overwatch

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The nerf is indicitive of their position. Staying so clutched to words isnt going to help anyone. They think she is in a good spot right now.

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Pretty much. Until they admit the rework was a mistake and actively try to communicate/make up for their ongoing hypocrisy (for heck’s sake, Titanium’s thread is #1 and they still haven’t posted in it, let alone the megathreads), I do not see Jeff or any of the developers as “on my side”.


Fine let me play it then.


They’ve been wrong about Mercy before… we just happen to think they are still wrong, and are trying to convince them of that.


Statistically shes balanced and ive seen many people call the support changes very good, and the pickrates are very healthy. Shes still very viable, shes just not meta. Blizz sees that, and they have finalised their position with her being in a good spot for the game right now.

Be our ally! We live in a society! Gamers rise up!

#justiceforvideogamehero #getagrippls

Dear Mercy lovers:
Mercy is not the center of the Overwatch Universe
With love, all the other players.

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Go to the hero page on overbuff. Sort by winrate. The bottom 5 heroes are…

  1. Sombra, who everyone knows doesn’t really work without really good team play. Aka nearly all of ladder.
  2. Roadhog, who today was confirmed that he’s getting changes but they weren’t ready for the ptr.
  3. Mercy.
  4. McCree, who has PTR buffs literally right now.
  5. Soldier 76 who also has PTR buffs.

Gee… all 4 of the heroes near her win rate are considered bad for one reason or another and 3/4 have changes pending.

To me that indicates that Mercy also is underpowered and has issues.


… speechless… such hatred…

Which she did… I don’t really like FPS games but I enjoyed Overwatch because of Mercy. I no longer enjoy Overwatch because I no longer enjoy Mercy. Result: I uninstalled the game 9 months ago and haven’t played since. If they design a hero to appeal to non FPS type players then it’s rather poor design to suddenly change the hero so she no longer appeals to such players. Also, I’m not interested in learning any other hero, because I still don’t like the FPS type genre. It’s a fun Mercy or nothing…



Are you seriously saying a hero should be impossible to play above plat?

if you’re finding mercy boring now it means you both deep down have always found her boring and you got “gud”

Are you suggesting a large number of people who play Mercy suddenly improved in skill after her rework? Yet at the same time don’t deserve a rank above plat?


Patch notes September 19th, 2017:
Valkyrie, her new Ultimate, gives her the opportunity for big game-making plays and opens a number of new options for her.

Why would they want her to make “Big game-making plays” then? Are you throwing shade at the devs?


Mate, firstly setting a character up like that is terrible game design. Secondly the game has 3 main healers. That’s not enough for one if them to be 100% unviable at ANY point.

Ever played a horror game? Or a survival horror game? Where you can’t really hurt whatever is trying to murder you and the fun and challenge comes from surviving despite that fact? Yeah, that’s the kind of fun that Mercy used to cash in on.

If in five nights at freddy’s… the animatronics randomly stopped moving and trying to murder your character… it would be extremely boring. Well… thats what happened to Mercy. After the rework and nerfs… the other players (the “monsters”) stopped chasing Mercy (the horror protagonist). Making playing as her boring and the rework didn’t really give another way to have fun as her.


The amount of people you just triggered by ripping on their medic bae :laughing:

Just because you’re a weakling who sucks it up every time, doesn’t mean the rest of us are.

Lots of talking for someone who’s unranked halfway into the season.


Whoa, someone insulting a group of people triggered a negative response? Who woulda thunk.


But what happened to make them change their minds?

Mercy had 60hps for over a year when suddenly they decided it was too much.

Convenient how her 60hps made her balanced with her old kit. It’s kind of like her new kit is OP and they needed to nerf her healing to balance her new kit due to rework stubbornness.


I guess it’s just funny to me that you even take trolls like that seriously. It’s so blatantly obvious to me that OP is just fishing for replies from, frankly, easily bothered forum mercy advocates.

Just report them if you care enough and move on. Whatever you do don’t feed them.

Would reporting actually do anything? Honest question, I’m pretty new to the forums.