Mercy can't possibly have been designed by someone who loves playing her

Mercy has two forms of utility and Moira doesn’t have any. Mercy really can’t be the best healer anymore; it defeats the point of Moira’s existence.

Mercy is not and never was. But DPS players are.

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Why do you want the least interactive hero to be more interactive? Why don’t you just play any of the others?

The people who actually love playing Mercy spend time actually playing her and not more time whining on the forums.

I literally need to use birth control for the many times I’ve been knocked up as Reinhardt. For real the cc and knock ups are a bit crazy for a Main tank like myself. It feels like I’m playing Winston every time I get uppercut by a Doomfist. A form of cc reduction would be lovely to see on my German crusader

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Nice trolling, here’s some flag from me.


Because it’s literally the most optimal way to use it? Longer range beams remove the need to move closer to reduce distance, and in the skybox you’re generally safer from flankers and other mobile threats. There’s no reason to fly around outside of the skybox because it is the safest area to be, except in the case of snipers. I basically exclusively use valk for pistol now because it’s such trash and doesn’t do crap, and any real damage from focus fire, or any ultimate at all will shred through her crap healing and kill the team anyway, so why even bother trying to save them? However making Mercy an inferior DPS for 15 seconds hardly makes her worth playing or picking due to the awful sluggish slog of her normal existence and gameplay.

I also don’t think people realize just how awful valkyrie really is as an ult. Valkyrie heals 50hp/s AoE to the team. Did you know, Lucio heals 48 hp/s AoE to the team with amp it up. It’s literally a glorified Lucio amp it up. But you know what else is true? Lucio can fight and heal at the same time. Mercy can’t.

Now, take this same concept with Orisa where Mercy is just a worse drum for 15 seconds, but oh wait, Orisa can fight and use all her abilities and take advantage of her damage boost, but Mercy IS the drum, and also if she’s damage boosting you, she can’t heal, aka her primary job.

But yeah sure, becoming a Lucio amp it up, OR an inferior Orisa drum sure is a good ult for a character that plays like hot garbage now and counts as a “successful rework” /s

How about instead of complaining that you hate how Mercy is. Suggest changes or reference what you think would make Mercy fun to play. How are the devs supposed to make changes when they don’t know what the fun or un-fun parts of Mercy are?

That’s actually why a lot of people are frustrated, from what I’ve seen. There’s plenty of feedback, and some really interesting ideas on how to rework her here on the forums. But there’s been no responses from the dev team, and a lot of people feel as though they’re being ignored on the topic.
I’m new to the forums, but there’s been a lot of mercy talk from what I know.

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Its what I am going to dub “the popular support cycle*”.

  • A support for a meta becomes popular
  • People start to get bored of that meta
  • Said support is nerfed
  • New support becomes meta because of the nerf or also a buff to said support gameplay
  • repeat cycle

*may also apply to tanks, but never dps.

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What does fun and interactive even mean? What you are asking for isn’t quantifiable and it’s subjective person to person. I have fun playing the current mercy. You may not, but the thing is, what you want isn’t definable and therefore isn’t something you will ever get.

Those evil people who play DPS ruining my game of MercyWatch.

Dude, welcome to the forums. And the problem is, they don’t stop talking about Mercy. It’s like they wake up and are like “let’s make another Mercy megathread and talk about how much Jeff hates us”. Its just Tumblr levels of obsession. There are lots of other heroes who need a touch up before Mercy. Torb was a great example of this. He sucked at higher levels of play because his turret has a cap of effectiveness and once you take away his turret, he isn’t all that great by himself. Mercy is easily punishable atm but her kit is far from broken. It may need some tweaks here and there, but overall is manageable. I kind of look for these sort of threads because I am honestly sick of this part of the overwatch community creating hostility towards the devs because they made a change. Its absurd. Their is a bit of constructive criticism that come from the mercy community, but it is deafened by some of the most toxic people I have ever seen.

Is it not common sense in game design to avoid having people who are biased towards certain heroes (i.e. Maining them) design the mechanics and stats on that hero?

Imagine if the forums who ‘love playing’ their hero got to design the kit for them however they wanted.

You’d have Genji mains wanting Genji to apply antiheal, hack and freeze on everyone he dashes and get dash resets by simply doing damage, not getting the elimination.

Those people who demand changes for hero they don`t play or main.


This. Not only arent ana mains few in numbers, but non support players weren’t really that affected during her nerfs. On contrary the mercy nerfs where a result of mercy’s must pick status that made mercy a requirement so even non mercy players frequently talked about her as well.

Plus the guy throws a bold assumption that mercy players are being vocal simply because ana outshines mercy and not the drastic change in playstyles from juggling to pocketing :confused:


Say things like “the devs are not my allies” and then wonder why they don’t address your BS directly

honestly this is the most laughable Mercy thread I’ve seen to date

so thanks for that at least.

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there is a difference here. mercy isn’t being enjoyed and not even useful to the team. Yes she can still be played but other supports would do a better job than her plus if you do pick her, you cant even feel the excitement of the game, you’d constantly stress if you’ll be able to save someone from death if they are low before they die or when to do a useful ult cuz tbh i lost track of a good mercy ult. i literally use ult just to kind of try to initiate a push with my team and kind of warn enemies that they should as well so they’d waste theirs cuz i can technically initiate the same push without her ult by damage boosting the right person.

it’s just annoying that her kit doesnt provide anything impactful other than rez and its sad to see that it’s more impactful than her ult :confused: plus if i want to stress about playing her, at least i want to feel the adrenaline pump up when i do something actually good hell, increase her difficulty, I’d rather they make her harder but more impactful than easy to play (although she isnt as easy other than no aim) and before you say play other heroes, I definitely do. I love ana moira and brigitte (at least she’s fun lmao) Mercy’s general kit and her flying mobility is what attracts me to her and i want to be able to enjoy her but still have difficulties doing something with her. it’ll feel satisfying at least. Like at least provide her with an actual high risk high reward ability because if it fails then enemy team would feel amazing and if the mercy player pulls it off, it’ll feel rewarding. Sounds fair doesnt it?

and again it’s just what i think and my opinion. I just forgot how it feels to actually contribute something to my team when i play mercy and because I really enjoy playing her, the fun is just instantly doubled when i do impact a match someway or the other.

kind of sad that this happens because people are never satisfied when one hero rises because they are actually in a good spot and riot to get them nerfed to the ground.

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Saying things like “we are you allies” when they’ve ignored multiple communities (Bastion, Mercy) for over a year is laughable, so thanks papa you know who for that.