"Mercy cannot be balanced". She most definitely can

I’m sick of seeing this. “Mercy cannot be balanced as long as rez is a cooldown ability”. It’s simply not true and really narrow minded IMO to think this way. Literally ANYTHING can be balanced if you actually… y’know… balance it.

Granted, if they truly want to leave rez in it’s current form, then balancing mercy means taking a lot of the fun away from everything else she does.

I am one of the few on these forums who actually enjoys the rework mercy. To me she’s no less fun than he was pre rework.


And if you no longer enjoy mercy because pressing Q no longer brings more than 1 person back to life, I’m sorry but you simply never enjoyed Mercy in the first place. You enjoyed big rez. Her kit is exactly the same as it was pre rework

I’m fine with rez being a cooldown ability. What I’m not fine with is them gutting everything else about mercy because of it in it’s current state. First they stripped some of Valkyries power, then they stripped some of her mobility. Now they’re stripping her healing. It’s just not very observant honestly. Rez is overpowered in it’s current state, not Mercy’s other abilities.

You could revert her. You could rework her again. But if you want to nerf her in her current build, address the O B V I O U S issue, not everything around it.

There are TONS of solutions:

  • make the cooldown 45 seconds
  • Making rezzed targets come back with 1hp so Mercy has to heal them before they get back into action
  • Have mercy required to give off 100 of her own HP to rez a target

Nerfing her healing doesn’t address the issue.

It will, in a sense, balance her overall effectiveness. But it will make the hero FEEL useless. Valkyrie is already a smaller impact tempo ultimate ability, and if the healing nerf reaches through to Valkyrie, an ultimate will be outdamaged by Winston’s tesla cannon. It doesn’t make sense.

Blizz team… I love this rework. I think you did a great job. But you’re just… not paying any attention to what’ actually wrong, and it’s really disheartening…

And as for the playerbase. My word do you even pay this game? Zenyatta: Press Q, exist.
Sombra: Press Q near enemies.
Ana: Press Q on ally
Lucio: Press Q
Widowmaker: Press Q

do you see what I’m getting at here? Ultimates. are. all. braindead. easy. to. use. Valkyrie isn’t “specially boring”. If you don’t like the ultimate just say that. But i’m so sick of all the “lololo spectator mode, not a real ultimate, i can turn my moniter off and still help my team”

Anyway, that’s about all I have to say on the matter


PREACH :clap: So many Mercy players complain that Valkyrie is “boring easy mode” when almost EVERY ultimate in the game is exactly like that. Transcendence is even MORE easy, you just press Q and stand near your team.

So… that bit of foolishness out of the way…

I mostly agree with you… That is until you get to the Valkyrie is no more boring than most ults. The catch here is Duration and Precieved impact.

Sure Ana and Widowmaker Q’s aren’t super exciting… but it’s a .5s cast time, not a 15s transformation that’s less engaging than the hero’s base kit.

Sure Transendence isn’t particularly engaging, buuut it’s healing per second is (usually) enough to keep your team alive through some VERY heavy damage. It’s obvious when you’ve managed to drag your team with no losses through an Enemy DPS ult and it feels great. Valkyrie doesn’t really have that in any way shape or form.

Movies are not video games and vice versa. You can have that viewpoint on Mercy and her ultimate I don’t think it’s fair to make that comparison like it’s totally concrete. Does the ending of a movie happen 3-4 times in the movie? No I don’t think so.

My point is definitely not foolishness and you just make it clearer how annoying that mindset is to me.

And like everything, you’re allowed to think valkyrie is boring, idc. Fun is subjective. But I think you misunderstood my point or missed it entirely. Valkyrie is no less braindead easy then other ultimates. You can call it boring.

“If you don’t like the ultimate, just say that”

But the arguments I’ve seen as to why it’s a “bad” ultimate from a lot of people (bad, meaning it’s poorly designed because you press Q and the rest happens on its own) are literally stupid. It functions just like almost every other ultimate

Even now Mercy has no bite that makes he feel impactful on her own merits
Damage boost is a joke for this because it’s based 110% on someone elses skill
Healing isn’t powerful enough even now to get those lifesavers
Valk even the ult cannot save people from critical health like the other healing ults can. And this ult also takes away the fun of the base kit for entire fights

I bought this game to feel like a hero or a badass that’s why Mercy is no longer fun.
Mass rez was her big moment where it’s something that she did and it was all her. Rez given this damn cast time is a skillcheck of everyone else.

Mercy dosen’t get the moment of HELL Yeah like literally every other hero in this game can get under the right circumstance


That is true, but thing is… they’re both media based entertainment. At its core it is humans paying to have some sort of experience. They share more in common than you might think.

I maybe could have worded that nicer… but even COMPLETELY ignoring my first point… your claim is still foolish.

It is for the simple reason of… you cannot possibly know why people played old Mercy. Trying to claim that you did is indeed foolish. There are innumerable potential reasons why people played played Mercy that are dependent on BOTH her strong, consistent healing AND her Mass Resurrect being in her kit and losing either would break that reason.

Sure lots of ults “happen by themselves” and don’t require much if any mechanical skill… but most ults don’t last 15 seconds… most ults don’t make you more mobile. Meaning most ults require some sembalance of timing and positioning beforehand to get the most out of them. Valkyrie doesn’t.

Now Transcendence is probably the one you’ll fire back with. However, you’d be wrong. That actually has some neat positioning tricks you can do with it based off the fact that Zen is invulnerable BUT still has a hitbox. Meaning you can potentially face tank Rein charges, make Pharah kill herself with her ult (if she’s low enough), you can block sleep darts, etc.

Really, no matter how you slice it, Valkyrie is the least engaging ultimate bar none.

Edit: So full disclosure, I don’t play Zen. I didn’t know you could do those things with Trans until my friend who plays a lot of Zen told me you could do those things. He also wants me to mention he’s body blocked Deadeye with it too.

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To balance Mercy, something has to give. Like, really give.

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The thing is that even when things get changes with rez on cooldown she will not be as balanced as she can be. Even after 11 nerfs she’s over used compared to the others, and we all know more nerfs are to come.

Well, the problem is that E rez contradicts Mercy as a character because immobility has no placement in mobile characters kits. They are simply incompatible. So as it is right now, rez is bad design. Valkirie makes her extremely easy and good for every situation, which is awful. I can’t see a single way this design can be balanced as long as rez is an E ability and valk an ult, just because of how they are designed. And no, if she gives something more (11 nerfs and wanting to insist yet?) she will remain the same or she will just die because the nerfs will rend her worthless. There is no mid points when the design is just so bad.

I’m sorry but valk was removed and replaced by mass rez in the past for great reasons. Stationary rez was removed and made instant (could have worked maybe with only short cast time) for great reasons. Trash healing was buffed for a great reason. Having Blizz nerfing and nerfing all the time this doomed design just shows how desperated they are about it, and I hope we will see a new and better rework sooner or later.

And about valk, yes, it’s incredibly boring and probably one of thevery few ultimates in the game that you don’t need to use at all for doing exactly the same. You can heal the same just learning to prioritizing targets. You can battle Mercy the same because if your enemy can see you, you can see it, you don’t need flight nor infinite ammo nor constant self regen for that (indeed, that’s more like making up your own skills), you shouldn’t be rezzing someone completely out of position because that’s that player’s fault and it’s not good that you can forgive his bad game. After this, we have the aoe boosting thing, which is the only powerful feature of it, and the mobility, which guarantees her survivality, removing all Mercy’s weaknesses because she can just fly out of range or even hide and do the dsame as a skilled player could do.

Finally, yes, a lot of ultimates work just by pressing Q, I agree with that. Indeed I don’t see why is that an argument about mass rez being unskilled, when literally the majority of ultimates are just pressing Q and enjoying the results. However, those ultimates bring something different to the game. Ana’s brings burst healing and great boosting at the same time, something that she can’t do (anyway, I’m not stating my opinion about this ult). Widowmaker’s is not so great but at least brings your team strategic advantage and you can combo it with rip tire for great devastation. Lucio’s is a team saving ult, not great, but it’s there. Sombra’s offers her a chance to really make a good impact in the game. Transcendence is an incredible healing burst, something unbelievable for a character with such a mediocre healing as him, that’s why it’s so great. Valk just brings you your basics… but easier. Nothing really special but slow flight, and that encourages you to take advantage of the increased ranges and hide unless you want to battle Mercy. Then, the costant self regen brings you many chances to survive and the infinite ammo allows you to win even if you are terrible at aiming.

You hit the nail on the head
The mobility was still fun but for me it was held together by the Heck Yeah moment of a well timed rez that had enough power to save a point whether it be tempo or mass

That heck yeah moment was not only removed but it was replaced by the most obnoxious ability to use an an ult that is so poorly designed it not only dosen’t feel ultimate at ALL without the OP tempo rezes but it taks away alny and all skill required in Mercy’s base kit

That’s why I hate this current mercy despite loving the old one. She dosen’t feel heroic, and there are dozens upon dozens of ways they could make this happen with Mercy 2.0 (well no I think Rez on E is unsalvageable but there are things they could do with an E to make Mercy be able to do this, heck even just removing the chain beams nad halving the duration of Valk and the subsequent compensation buffs would make her feel so much better.