Sadly the latest update: 02/18/25 (Introduction of Season 15) hasn’t fixed any of these bugs
(Introduced: 10/29/24) • The active state cooldown of guardian angel can be completely bypassed by pressing the guardian angel and crouch/jump buttons at the same time after flying towards and ally with guardian angel | video showcasing this bug
• If you perform a slingshot and right after you get melee’d you’ll lose basically all of the momentum that the ability gives you | video showcasing this bug
• When you press the ability it sometimes starts the flight, rubber bands and then brings you back to the place you were standing (This interaction only happens on the client’s side and it’s most of the time related to latency. However it can also happen when both Mercy and her guardian angel target are standing completely still) | video showcasing this bug
• When performed next a small or medium ledge, sometimes Mercy flies towards her guardian angel target in an arc pattern instead of in a straight line (Maybe this interaction is intended. If that’s the case. It would be nice to have an option in the hero settings to be able to toggle it off, so it doesn’t accidentally mess up your movement) | video showcasing this bug (old footage but the bug is still in the game)
(Introduced: 02/28/25) • Valkyrie can be activated while casting resurrect which cancels the ability before it’s completed | video showcasing this bug
• Resurrected players sometimes get sent to spawn even after the resurrect completed successfully | video showcasing this bug
• When you ping on a soul while resurrect is on cooldown it’ll say that you’re able to resurrect the player. But due to the respawn changes making the respawn timer shorten, the cooldown doesn’t come up in time… | video showcasing this bug
• When you press the ability to start resurrecting a teammate it sometimes starts the resurrect animation and cancels a few moments later for no reason (This interaction only happens on the client’s side and it’s most of the time related to latency. However it can also happen when Mercy is standing completely still and has the soul of the ally she’s trying to resurrect in her sight and in her ability range) | video showcasing this bug (old footage but the bug is still in the game)
• If you start to resurrect a player with your blaster equipped and change weapons while resurrecting and later hold primary fire, Mercy will fire 1 bullet before swapping her weapon | video showcasing this bug
• While being in Valkyrie, if you swap your weapon (from the caduceus staff to the caduceus blaster) while holding down primary fire. Sometimes the caduceus blaster won’t shoot unless you release primary fire and start pressing it again | video showcasing this bug
• The healing beam will briefly disappear once every 2 seconds (This is more noticeable with a high refresh rate screen) | video showcasing this bug
• The little “ding” sound effect that plays when the player that Mercy is healing reaches full health has a cooldown of about 3 seconds…
However when playing with the Pink/Rose gold skins equipped there’s no cooldown and the “ding” will play every time the player that Mercy is healing reaches full health
(There was no cooldown for the “ding” sound effect in Overwatch 1, so if they decide to fix it. Hopefully they’ll remove the cooldown instead of applying it to the Pink/Rose gold skins) | video showcasing this bug
• The animation of the little healing beam that appears on top of the health bar of the ally that Mercy is healing is not looped correctly and restarts once every 1 second (This basically means that the animation doesn’t play smoothly like the little damage boost beam for example) | video showcasing this bug
• While in the air, if you press jump to activate angelic descent, the sound of Mercy’s heels touching the ground will sometimes play, even though you’re still in the air | video showcasing this bug
• Mercy’s arm “breaks” while communicating “hello” or “goodbye” while she’s holding her caduceus staff and aiming completely up or completely down | video showcasing this bug
(Fixed: 10/29/24) • The active state on guardian angel (The cooldown on top of the ability when you perform a super jump or a slingshot) stays active for 1.5 seconds instead of 1 second
(It technically got buffed in season 9 to stay active for only 1 second but that change never got applied) | video showcasing this bug and comparing both cooldowns
(Fixed: 11/09/24 | Except while playing on the practice range) • Resurrection voice lines are gone (both for ally and enemy Mercy) | [video showcasing this bug](
Those are all of the bugs that I know of. Please let me know if I’m missing any and I’ll add it to the post!