I’m actually very very sorry to everyone if I triggered or offended. I heard about the Mercy raid from not too long ago, and I don’t agree with that at all. I am really sorry if I came off that way. Was not my intentions what so ever.
The numbers I provided are absolutely real, in game numbers. Factually, moira does 80 healing per second with her primary fire. This means when I’m in a game and I use my primary fire on someone I will be doing 80 healing per second. So please explain how that isn’t a real, in game number. If I went into a custom game and healed someone for one second as moira, it would show that they gained 80 health (not including her residual 65 hps healing), doesn’t get more “real, in game number” than that. Factually, ana does 75 healing per shot and shoots 1.25 times per second which leaves her hps at 93, but she also has to reload which lowers it down to around 83.
When it comes to using abilities and ultimates that allow moira and ana to do 200% more healing than mercy would per second, that is a potential number. The only time their base healing per second is a potential number is when it comes to ana hitting her shots, but even without hitting two consecutive shots ana still does 50% more healing per second than mercy.
I’m curious since you think this is merely their potential healing, what do you think the numbers are for the difference between their real in game healing per second?
My facts may be a bit iffy, but a ton of it is based off of experiences that you may or may not have ran into during your Mercy journeys!
The burst healing/ what RobotWizard has said is in fact factually correct, not potential healing, but healing in game.
With that being said, I think if you play a good enough Mercy skill outways that small advantage, but I do think Mercy should be on par with other supports, the game should not cater to ‘‘skillful’’ heroes and punish none skillful ones, especially when the ‘‘none skillful’’ hero is one of the most picked/favorite heroes in all of Overwatch.
I agree, Mercy is just as skillful as Ana, no defensive abilities means that she has to position correctly or be punished for it.
I think he/she was defending my statement of Mercy is quite skillful in the right hands.
But number wise, what is the potential vs real in game numbers? I’m actually super curious now, i’ve never looked at stats to be completely honest with you.
Isn’t that the same with Mercy going from damage boost to healing? Or Mercy dying? Does that mean that potential healing x, but real in game healing is half of x?
So therefore technically even with this logic Mercy still does lower healing then Ana?
Again, i’m trying to understand numbers, i’ve never looked at the stats like that.
Also, i’d like to say that I was completely wrong about Mercy not being able to solo heal, although teams have to play a tiny bit safe, she is apparently the go to solo heal in a 1/1/4 comp with a hampster, Mercy, 4 DPS.
Mercy has healing almost on par with moira already and moira is dead last in GM since she has no utility and with ana it’s a tank meta and she does well in those but some healer is on top and currently its Ana when it switches to a dps meta it’ll switch to mercy at #1
Okay so that’s total healing, if moira misses or ran out of healing resources she’s not healing at all which means HPS isn’t relevant. I’m talking about healing per second, which is always the same in real, in game experiences no matter what, unless you’re ana.
I already said differences in kit affect their healing abilities but we’re not going to agree on it because I believe that despite mercy’s consistency she should still be a little bit more on par with them, preferably with 55 hps. I already know you don’t agree and probably never will so what’s the point in arguing? Regardless, factually, moira does 60% more healing per second than mercy. Sure, mercy will probably be doing more seconds of healing overall because of her consistency and infinite healing resource which helps to even out the higher hps that ana and moira have, I just think the difference should be a tiny bit smaller which is why I want a small 5 healing per second buff or burst heal ability that wouldn’t make mercy’s healing as reliable and good as it was at 60 hps.
She’s easily shoot past moira by a large margin if she had 5 extra healing since she’s really consistent healing also she also shouldn’t have burst healing because she’s supposed to be a consistent healer which is why she never runs out or it disconnects when it hits a wall not to mention her mobility that lets her quickly get to an ally
I kind of agree about burst healing, I only mentioned that because geoff goodman said it was a possibility in his post that someone linked above. I’d prefer if mercy kept her consistent/flat healing rate but I would also welcome some kind of healing ability since they’re looking into it. And I understand that mercy’s extremely consistent, but I personally don’t think mercy would overshadow moira if she had 5 more hps because they have very different roles and I don’t think 5 more hps will suddenly make mercy great with tanks since even with 60 hps she wasnt great with tanks. Moira was arguably just as viable as she is now back when mercy had 60 hps. Plus on average moira does 7,000 damage per match while mercy’s damage + damage boosted per match is 1,340, so moira does contribute a lot more damage, but, to counter that mercy also contributes rezes which are important too.
Edit: also want to add that I don’t necessarily think moira’s in a great place. I think shes balanced and I like the simplicity of her kit but the way she’s designed makes her only really viable in lower ranks. I don’t want her to be outclassed so I do try to be mindful of that cuz I love moira too lol. I just feel like mercy’s kit shouldn’t be held back cuz of design flaws in other healers, despite the fact that mercy herself also has many design flaws that I personally think make her extremely hard to balance correctly
Mercy is not far from being completely balanced. I think it would be good for her and for the game at large to have a bit more healing in one form or another.
The easiest way would be to dial up her hps. This is the most effective way to balance Mercy, and the most effective way to buff most of the dps cast. I hope they go that route, but if they don’t - there are other ways of going about it.
In any case, we’ll have to wait a while longer to see how the balance patch turned out. They won’t make changes to her until they see where the meta falls. Maybe next season, or before stage 3 of the OWL.
If you look at healing done between moira and mercy it’s a 400 difference in healing so she’d shoot past by a good amount before when mercy had 60 hps she healed wayy more than mercy and Ana also the reason she has 7000 is to refill healing or to finish off a low health target.
Mercy was never good at healing tanks compared to moira and Ana mercy is more suited to dps comps
And the thing is why mercy has so little damage boosted is because either people don’t know how to boost in the best situations or there is always someone injured so they don’t have the chance to use it