Mercy breakdown - what do people want

O boy, here we go again…

In my personal opinion, mercy is in terrible condition right now. She supposed to be the main healer, yet fails doing even that one job. Did you know she can’t outheal monkey’s damage if the monkey isn’t buffed by anything? Oh, wait, did you know that she can’t outheal BRIDGITE (who’s support btw) damage done to your teammates? She still can hold lead in healing but what the point? The difference of number is to low to consider, and other supports can as effectively damage opposite team, nevertheless most of other supports abilities either the same level of power as resurrect or even higher. And please stop this bull!@#$ about resurrect being imbalanced and go and try to play it. In 90% it’s used out of combat if some random hanzo/mccree/add your hero made a luckyshot before the clash even begins.

In the end, we have decent golden/silver healing with almost no damage input. Sad but true.

Mercy desperately need some changes which could be either returning her healing rate to 60hp/s, adding some new safe ability with reasonable cd, or changing her in a way she can produce more damage (aka buffing pistol/pistol during valk/removing cd on switch between weapons etc.)

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Reduce Valkyrie active time to 8 or 10 seconds.

Give Mercy the ability to AOE Rez when Valkyrie is active and Resurrect is off CD.

AOE Rez still has the same restrictions as single target Rez (Cast time animation lock and movement speed slow).

Mercy will need to get into 5M of her allies soul. Upon successful completion of cast time, an AOE circle around the Rez target will appear and all dead allies caught in a 10 to 15M circle around that Rez target will also be Resurrected.

The goal is to trade overall power in active time and trade it for a burst impact.