Mercy, both 50hps and 60hps

40hps and 100% Torb turret/Symm turret amplification and I’m down!

Just in case Mercy’s skill ceiling isn’t low enough, you now want to punish Mercy players for multitasking?


She existed this way for years and was a troll pick prior to Rez on E. I have a feeling that 60hps is in no way ever going to be too OP when there are people who do plenty more than 60hps and aren’t considered OP, as well as there being plenty of heros that do way more than 60dps.

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heal nerfed to 40 and every 100healing she does gives her 1% more dmg boost up till 50% but it decreases 1 every second for using jt.

I’m all for Mercy getting nerfed further… as long as anytime she starts to heal it gets interrupted randomly which immediately triggers her voiceline “Sometimes I’m not sure why I even bother”.

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Still OP; her voice line consistency would become her new utility.

Ok… uhm… sometimes she’ll say “Piece of cake”.

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But it’s unfair. It should be 40hps.

It wouldn’t be too powerful, but to answer your question they could always reduce the beam range in valk. Ranged healing was always Ana’s thing and it would put Mercy closer to the fight.

Well, ignoring the slight derailing of the thread…

That sounds like a rather interesting idea that would reward good team-play where team-members actually move to cover when the healer can’t keep up. Perhaps it won’t work great in solo-queue but there are many things that don’t work well in solo queue.

Acceptable. Less than 20 characters isn’t tho.

I would rather have healing ramp up on targets that need the sustained healing than an arbitrary “you heal this guy slightly faster because he managed to stop eating bullets, and is therefore a lower priority target to heal” yes.

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Honestly… The idea of Crit Heals is something interesting.
Only real problem I could see with that would be the whiny people complaining why they aren’t instantly getting healed when they press the I need healing key.

And a ramp-up is an arbitrary"you heal this guy slightly faster because the rest of your teammates managed to stop eating bullets long enough for you to focus on one guy." Both mechanics punish the Mercy player for their teammates’ actions, and punish teammates for not bending over and changing their playstyle just to accomodate Mercy’s bizarro mechanics.

If Mercy needs to have two separate heal rates, then maybe we could, I don’t know, let Mercy players decide their own outcomes for once? Just throw the heal boost on a resource meter. Bam, now her access to fast heals is limited and its usefulness is determined by the player’s own skill.

Or don’t do any of that and just put her heal rate back at something reasonable.


A separate resource is unlikely because “complexity” That’s why we couldn’t get one for rez on E instead of the cooldown. They want Mercy to be easy to understand. Resource management is apparently something they don’t want for her… Also we don’t have the spare button for it, unless your wanting another full rework that removes valk/rez.

PS the term pocket mercy exists for a reason, she doesn’t swap targets every 0.5 seconds to begin with… and the strongest part of the ramp up would actually be the damage amp. 45% puts a mcree headshot at 203 damage.

Should have remained 60 hps tbh, or 50 hps, but 60 hps during valkyrie.

This iteration is completely hopeless. We’ve gone too far through this roller coaster of a rework that I’m just over it.

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As I mentioned in the other thread, this would work better and be more exciting/impactful if it ramped up when Mercy herself (not her target) didn’t take damage. It would make the whole thing smoother and more interesting. It could ramp up from 50 to 65, at 5hp a second.

It would add a nice element of skill to Mercy play, and a nice element of counterplay for the other team. It also avoids unintuitive situations like asking your team mates to wait in a corner so you can heal them.

Maybe buff her ult back to 60hps? It was a weak ult prenerf now it is garbage.

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Mercy’s pickrate in GM yesterday was 1.29% and her winrate 38.76%…meanwhile Ana’s was 15.55% pickrate and 55.16% winrate.

I think it’s safe to say nerfing Mercy’s HPS by 10 wasn’t the smartest decision the Devs made to her.