Mercy, both 50hps and 60hps

Maybe buff her ult back to 60hps? It was a weak ult prenerf now it is garbage.

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Mercy’s pickrate in GM yesterday was 1.29% and her winrate 38.76%…meanwhile Ana’s was 15.55% pickrate and 55.16% winrate.

I think it’s safe to say nerfing Mercy’s HPS by 10 wasn’t the smartest decision the Devs made to her.


I mean, us not trying to make current Mercy fun is justified. Valkyrie was scrapped for a reason.

Feels like some Mercy forum posters care more about multi-Rez, than making her Fun by any other method that the devs would be less resistant to implementing.

By the way, just a heads up; Mercy’s winrate yesterday in GM was 39%… might want to save that. :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree that the heal nerf was an utterly miserable decision, and that it’s left her in a terrible spot. The statistics all indicate this. The healing needs to be brought back.

Having said that - you probably shouldn’t use gm statistics for one day. At ~2% pick rate, Overbuff records about 100 Mercy games a day. At that rate, you’re expecting huge swings to happen fairly often due to dumb random chance. The weekly averages however are fairly reliable even in GM, and the monthly averages are reliable.

We can currently be very confident that Mercy’s gm win rates are somewhere between 50-51%. That’s still really bad though. The average win rate in GM is 54.4%, so Mercy players are dropping ranks. The healing needs to be brought back, but we shouldn’t be using unreliable numbers to justify it. That way, we won’t have to argue with people on those random rare days when she has a 70% win rate.

Well, we’ll have to see what happens when Mercy gets some minor buffs.

I’m actually curious though, why did it drop so much so suddenly lul?

It didn’t. If you’re measuring win rate in 100 games, you’re expecting a lot of variance. Even for a perfectly balanced and viable hero (which Mercy is not).

For instance, Symmetra (who has an even lower pick rate than Mercy) had a day in GM last week when she had a 74% win rate, and a day a couple of weeks ago when it was 31%. Low pick rates will cause this. You shouldn’t use daily data from GM. You should instead revert to looking at weekly/monthly data (there are some extra tricks, but this is a good rule of thumb).

If you use Symmetra’s 31% days, you’ll need to also use her 74% days. Neither reflects her actual position. Just use the longer averages.

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Ana is approaching the pick rate that people were getting their panties in a bunch over when Mercy had it, and Mercy is basically the pick rate when people kept saying that it is not OK for anyone to have that low of a pick rate.

Yet when Anas the high pick rate, and Mercy is the low pick rate, that is totes chill with them. And “Mercy mains are biased” for saying everyone should have their hero moment, everyone should be viable, and no one (Mercy included) should be so OP AF that they’re must pick.



The forums and the anti-Mercys still want her nerfed more. What silly buffs do you think people will be OK with her getting?

Ehhh, I’d say they do a pretty good job of it honestly.

Well the easiest buffs would either be 55hps, or 1.25sec rez cast timer.

Well, this is what GM looks like this week.

I think this is a good idea, as long as she gets constant 60hps in Valkyrie.

Suggest that to someone like XQC or Seagull or really anyone in OWL and see if they don’t laugh you out of existence. That is really who the devs are listening and catering to anymore.

Well, I was the main proponent of 50hps on the forums, with a focus on heals per game, by rank.

Either I’m really good at predicting what the devs will do, or they listened to me.

Every support's average healing & damage per game for each rank - Album on Imgur

50HPS was a stupid idea that was nothing but saving face because they know Rez on E has too much power. can’t we just make rez Valk Only, go back to the Ult reliance problem while buffing it back to 60HPS?

If they listened to you, that was clearly a big mistake, as seen by the current trend.

Well Mercy is a bit underpowered, but not wildly underpowered.

Also I wasn’t really anticipating the buff Ana got.