Mercy at 50hps is not a main healer

I only really feel it on tanks. Her job is even more of a bore now and in the one place where you were supposed to shine, healing, you aren’t even granted satisfaction there.

There’s literally no rewarding feeling when playing Mercy. And it sucks that if this version is somehow balanced, they’ll leave it even though it’s such a gross shell of what greatness she used to, and could be. Everyone else has rewarding moments in their kit that don’t feel sucky, but all Mercy’s kit is is sucky, even if it may be powerful.

Mercy is 100% numbers instead of fun at this point, it’s truly disappointing.


That’s because a lot of Mercy “mains” declared the nerf meaningless before it even hit PTR, in order to push their revert agenda. People that claim there’s no difference must be blind.


Just enough to tip the scales.

What is this “main healer” nonsense mercy mains keep throwing around?
Where does the “main healer” come from exactly? Who decided from the dev team that she is a main healer and where did they say it?
Also who is main tank exactly? What does the main tank do that is different from the off-tank? Cause in games like WoW (mmorpgs) and mobas (lol, dota 2 etc) main tank and off tank are completely different at what they do, what they farm, how the position etc. So if let’s say Reinhardt is the equivalent of a main tank, what does that make Orisa? Off-tank or main tank?

Off-healers excel at AOE heal and party healing, while main healers excel at healing just tanks. Off-tanks historically excel at hard CC, followed by hard survival cooldown, main tanks mitigate damage and can soak a huge amount of damage because they have armor, resists etc.
Do you really see this fitting in this game, cause i do not.
All healers can heal both tanks and the rest of the team. Mercy’s niche is that she has a lot of mobility and can go from target to target and stay afloat.
Please stop with the main healer nonsense.


The healing nerf feels terrible. I have a description I prefer that involves an inebriated vagrant and the idea that perhaps Mercy should have received a catcher skin this event, but I won’t write it.

Zenyatta does 30 hps. His healing is about as easy and consistent as Mercy’s is, but no one considers him a main healer. In fact, a good portion of his healing comes from transcendence. Clearly the number for consistent main healing is more than 30 hps. 60 hps felt good. It’s not very bursty, but it got the job done. 50 hps feels ridiculously bad. It caused problems in the past and was changed. Blizzard just doesn’t care. They’re only chasing pick rates, with no consideration to anything else.


I’m not arguing which one is better. The joke everyone is typing at you is that no other character has rez.
So you are wrong

Mercy will usually end up contributing 5k of damage if she is using her damage boost correctly. And Moira getting 30 elims just LOOKS pretty. She usually ends up just tickling a lot of heroes unless she is playing DPS Moira, which is usually terrible for many reasons.

Let Mercy shoot at the same time she heals and I’ll gladly agree with you.


I’m a GM Mercy. A lot of damage happens, a lot of team wipes happen. I’m still getting around the same heals as I usually do BECAUSE of these things. The games are a lot faster-paced, meaning healing isn’t as essential. That is why I feel no difference. There IS a difference, and I can see and feel it when I heal targets after a fight, but because of how people die and how fast, even with 60 HPS, most times they wouldn’t live anyway, I don’t feel it in the midst of a fight as much as most lower players.


Mercy got dumped into the offhealer slot with this nerf. :’) Having Resurrection as ability certainly does not guarantee anything positive happening to your team. Keeping people alive does.

Best play Zen as the main healer, your teammates stay alive better when the enemy dies faster lol and his harmony orb is not inhibite by anything. Less enemies is less damage and transcendence is fantastic tank healer in a pinch.

Meanwhile lets buff the dps. Hanzo gaining 4k more damage done on average is not a problem ofc, but mercy having 60 hps for god knows how long is.


Mercy was never supposed to be better at healing Tanks than Ana & Moira though.

Also, I’d argue that Moira is supposed to shine more on healing because large healing is about the only thing that she has going for her.

She doesn’t have any utility to offer to a team whatsoever, and the only reason why she does DPS is because she has to in order to heal.


This is not true at all. The stats on overbuff say otherwise. Mercy’s damage boosted is much closer to 1000 a match. A mercy who boosted 5000 was not healing enough. To boost 5000 damage, the characters you were boosting had to do 16.6k damage. That’s a reasonable damage output for a dps throughout a match, so this hypothetical Mercy was boosting MUCH more than she was healing.


You can complain about her healing all you want but does any other healer have an ability that heals death?.. add that ability to her rate of healing (the amount of life they get back when revived) and she is still golden while also having the best mobility of any other support in the game.

Mercy had 50hps a sec originally. This just puts her healing back to where it was at release. The exception being valkyrie providing more than at launch. Ana and Moira got added and are capable of more healing in certain situations. Mercy has always been capable of losing gold to a Lucio dedicated to healing.

None of that takes away her effectiveness as a main healer.


That became her trade off due to the rework. Survivability over healing. I personally wish they would’ve nerfed the survivability instead, but this is what we get.

Mercy never was better at healing tanks than Ana or Moira. At least not the ones that stayed with the group. She’s supposed to out heal the others because that’s her design. The devs out and out said it. Moira is designed as a healer/dps hybrid. Mercy is supposed to be all about healing. Right now res is hogging up her power budget and pushing her out her role. It needs to go.


Can you perhaps share where you found this, because Overbuff shows the average to be around 700 I think. I’m open to rethinking this, but I would need some hard stats.

5k of damage? id say that number is lucky to hit 2k.
Moiras “tickling” is the same as a Soldier 76 tickling. If you play moira smart you go for the kill on the right targets. Ill tickle a dva, I will make sure I kill healers and Genji. Whether or not shes tickling she can secure a kill 100x better than a Mercy.

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Pressing E heals up to 600 hp and lets be honest, 80 hp/s isn’t going to save people from decent focus fire; 60 - 10 hp/s isn’t going to make a difference except with Winston during those times when 9 players magically disappear from the map.

The highlighted part still should factor into balance decisions. Trollbjorn at lower ranks being oppressive matters just as much as him being worthless at higher tiers. Bastion the same. At least thats the cake the devs keep promising.

Mercys noticably more anemic comparatively for a main healer at ranks where people don’t die so fast that HPS doesn’t matter. Its a 17% reduction. Take that away from anyone else in any other category in any other situation and they feel it hard. The only reason it doesn’t matter to you is because you are in a bracket of players that is disproportionate to the experience of the vast majority of others. That doesn’t make you right or wrong, just like it doesn’t make anyone else more right or wrong; just experiencing different results.