Change the formula for how Damage Boost is calculated when dealing with criticals when it comes to Snipers (Widow and Ashe)
Right now the formula for Damage Boost and Critical Damage looks like this
Damage = (BaseDamage * 1.3) + (CriticalDamage * 1.3)
But all we would need to do is this.
Damage = (BaseDamage * 1.3) + (CriticalDamage)
This was a idea brought up by GreyFalcon, so i don’t take credit for it, but this would solve the issue with Ashe one headshotting people.
Ashe while damage boosted will bring up her headshot to 208, but with the new formula it would be 184.
I would suggest checking out his post about it, it also goes into detail about Widow aswell.
But as of now, with the recent damage nerf, i think she can’t one headshot people unless they were sneezed on by alittle bit of damage, which is the same case for Zarya when dealing with a Damage Boosted Widow.