Damage boost management, finding out who to Damage boost and predict when to Damage boost them (Rein fire strike), beam juggling, predicting which teammate is more likely to require heals, GA positioning, Super Jump positioning, ensuring that you won’t mess up Super Jump rez by accidentally flying too high, awareness from every angle just in case they try to get behind you and your team, can you Resurrect without getting gunned down? Body blocking while in Valk to keep ulting/vulnerable teammates alive (example. ulting pharah) Just a few things to consider while playing Mercy.
Most of them actually just want Zen to be meta, not necessarily accompanied by Mercy.
Nothing wrong with Mercy, Zen is still a good pick when there’s a decent amount of teamplay and when he isn’t dived 24/7. Could use a little buff somewhere, but not sure where as his damage output is quite high. I feel like he could become very easily OP.
Zen is pretty good still.
And still, my number one favourite hero in the game. Eventhough i don’t play him anymore thanks to new additions to the game Cough cough Doomfist and Wreckingball cough cough
Whenever i played Zen i actually felt like i embodied the character.
I had that extra desire to win as that character because he just resonates with me. That mystical shroud about him just attracts me like a moth to a lämp. Nothing felt as good as holding my ground as the grandmaster himself.
I still love the character so much. But knowing Ball/Doom can just kill me by getting close to me with no real effort unless my team intercepts them, it just puts me off… It’s disgusting…
I feel this on a personal level. When I came into the game Zenyatta ( and junkrat ) were the first two heroes that appealed to me the most. They were unique and fun to play. I’m just not interested in being yelled at for playing Zen or being dived 24/7. It’s honestly quite sad.
You do know Mercy requires a lot of skill right? A top 500 player said he can’t play Mercy because she needs an insane amount of situational awareness and near perfect positioning to do well in the GM+ bracket. That sounds like a pretty high skill cap to me.
I disagree. In comparison to many other heroes, her life is super easy imo. I’m probably ignorant and not informed, but that’s what I see. That’s why I said Imo. Opinions not going to change.
You are not completely wrong. I feel the best outlet for Mercy in terms of player output is the ability to convey information to a team. She’s just one of the better supports that doesn’t have to have as much attention directed in multiple directions. She can keep an eye out on flank spots when others are busy. Use the height advantage and the ease of healing/dmg boost to keep track of ults and possible progress.
Honestly a lot of heroes aren’t, they need to stop screwing around and balance the game around this new format or revert it.
Mercy actually works pretty well as a beam juggler, she just needs to heal fast enough for it to matter. 50 is absolutely not enough, 55 is noticeably better, but I think 60 would be great. As for Res and her Ultimate, I think if they gave you a single Res as part of Valkyrie instead of having Res on E, then you could give her another ability on E.
As for Zen, the Discorb Orb boost is nice, I think he could maybe use a small boost to his heal orb, either in HPS or maybe remove the need to maintain LoS.
Increasing base healing does not increase her skill cap, only lowers her skill floor. When you buff the base number of a character, everyone from Bronze to GM gets that benefit. That’s LOWERING THE BARRIER OF ENTRY. You can’t miss with Mercy’s M1. It’s not ski’lful.
If you want to increase her skill cap think about ways to give room for better players to do more, but NOT being a common denominator buff that even Bronze players benefit. Stop buffing her base healing, it’s lazy. 55 hp/s is enough.
50 constant HPS is often better than 100 inconsistent HPS. “Main healer” made-up label aside, a good Mercy should frequently be out-healing Ana over long periods of time.
Ill give the nod to zen here.
But i do not perosnally acknowledge mercy as being “weak” in this meta.
Mercy is quite commonly picked overall on public stats, at every rank, on every platform. On public stats she has a 50% win rate averaged out at all ranks. On PC shes winning 50%+ of her games by gold and higher- And still appears 1 out of 2 games at GM levels of play.
On Console, shes even more predominant. On both Xbox and Playstations platforms shes quite often one of the most picked heroes, especially at higher ranks (Being the most picked at GM on PS for example), with both platforms at high ranks having her around a 55% win rate .
Can mercy be better? Absolutely.
And in light of other expected up coming changes shifting power amongst the supports, including a 10% healing buff to mercy- I have absolutely no doubt she will be.
But she is by no means, “weak”.
we as overwatch players dont give a big F about GM and pro players TBH
That’s wrong. Maybe the only people you know are the forums, but I’ve seen and heard that even if a good portion doesn’t like the pro’s, there’s another half of them enjoys them.
Power creep is indeed a very good solution to power creep
I really don’t understand why everyone thinks Mercy is so terrible.
I have Mercy players in my games all the time. Sometimes they do great. I’ve even seen a fair amount of Mercy players carry lately. The other day I had an absolutely fantastic game as Brig, all over the place getting 80%+ assists, and the Mercy player still took the gold and got a card for 35% team damage healed. I can tell you right now, I would have outhealed Ana or Moira in that game.
Because it’s the conundrum of the forums
People point at Mercy’s weaker/ non-performance in higher tiers of her being a weak pick; but then will ignore the fact that statistically Ana is preforming WORSE than Mercy across most of the game.
It’s the “I don’t care about GM/ Pro strats/ data!” unless it fits the narrative that some characters are “op”
There’s also the slow bleed downwards of what is seen as “meta” or the “best” hero.
Look at Gold where most people sit in terms of rank. Ana is the most used support with a 48% winrate, but her high pickrate will equate to people going “See! Ana isn’t hard to use if she’s the most used support in Gold!?!?”
While ignoring the fact that both Mercy and Moira are preforming much better than Ana in that same rank.
The 55hps buff to Mercy is good for everyone. The 70hp nerf for Ana hurts everyone more than they think it will due to breakpoints.
Yeah, honestly I think Ana didn’t need that nerf. Ana needed nade toned down. It’s like, half the power of her kit in one ability.
I mean you could probably just leave her alone and let Ladder adopt the current OWL/ Contenders meta especially with the Zen/ Mercy buffs alone being enough to really reinforce Dive