she is a single target healer… has no AOE outside ult (which is still weaker than Moiras primary fire AOE lmao).
she cannot multitask or use multiple abilities or tasks at a time like every other support
she (even with 55hps) cannot reliably keep tanks alive
her one big utility (rez) is tied to a self-stun and the longest cooldown in the game and is on avg used a max of 6 times per game which is less than most ults.
her whole kit relies heavily on your teammates to get value
she does not deal her own damage
Rez on ‘e’ is holding her back. They either need to incorporate rez back into her ult OR they need to remove it completely and give her either a burst heal, aoe heal or cleanse on ‘e’ instead. One with a 12 second cooldown like every other ability in the game.
I don’t think ECHO would be as dominant as other top picked dps because of her vulnerability to hitscans. Most likely she’d be the most played but Tracer, Ashe, Sombra (league only) Widowmaker, and McCree would also see good usage too. Doomfist and Genji would also probably be decent.
If that doesn’t seem like their kind of wishlist to ya, IDK.
Comparing the skill needed for rein and mercy is so stupid. It’s not even comparable. A good rein requires so much game sense, includes positioning, work around your team, call out, and decide which way to push and keep track of enemy ults, and if the enemy has a rein, you need to play mind game with the enemy rein to land/block their shatter. If you believe rein is low skill? You do deserve to be in silver
Also because there was no Baptiste and Moira to compete with her for a spot on the team.
Just wanted to add that. People act like her status is due to her hps but it’s actually what it is because new heroes and new supports came to the game
LOOOL, the same can be said about Mercy though ya dummy. She requires a ton of game sense, the best positioning so she doesnt die often, awareness in terms of incoming flankers AND ensuring that 5 other people dont die and if they do, she has to carefully pinpoint when to use her suicide button aka Rez.
Moira and Ana do more healing for someone like Zen to ever keep up with. Zen could get picks better than Moira If you have good aim but Moira is more consistent in that regard because of her large aimbox. Zen is really easy to kill. Discord buff probably won’t do much because there’s lots of anti-dive stuff in the game now.
I don’t know what you call IQ, but Rein more than anything takes a lot of predicting, especially in the Rein v Rein matchup. You’re the anchor of the team and the ship falls apart if you die. Maybe not a bunch of skill, more like being smart, technical and overall predicting.
Rein vs Rein sure, but outside of that…? You’re holding a shield or swinging a hammer. Mercy is the go-to pick for beginners who wanna play support, Soldier is the go-to for beginners to wanna DPS & Rein is the go-to for beginner players who wanna tank.
In my eyes, a good Rein is just as equal as a good Mercy. Also, same thing goes for Mercy. Most of the time if the Mercy dies, the whole team falls because you just lost a vital healer.
Shield management, what damage to tank and why not to. Do you want to peek corners or not? Can you swing? Do they have the ability to burst you down? Is your team behind you and are they supporting you? Is your team safe when you are swing? Just a few questions for you to consider while playing rein