Mercy actually has a really trash ult tbh

She wont be able to damage boost if her teammates need healing… and since her healing is reduced now, you wont be able to use it that much.
Mercy’s mobility depends on her allies’ location. All other healers mobility is free to use (wall ride, fade ). every single healer can literally regen health in some sort except of ana(even though she has biotic grenade) zen has shields, moira can use orb or deal damage to restore health, lucio can heal, brigitte deals damage to activatr her passive. mercy has self healing but she needs to stay close to the team to be able to heal them, and self regen would be interrupted during a fight so you either play save and try to hide or take the risk and maybe die, while other healers can do their job while being safe.
How she brings insane heals? look at other main healers’ healing… and even though ana needs aim , she can heal if she misses thanks to her grenade and instant 300 hp with ult.
Many players said shes an off healer now , but she doesnt bring that much utility for the team comparing to others even with rez( its slow, takes forever to get againabd you basically doing nothing when rezzing for about 1.75s

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My biggest complaint about Mercy’s new ult is that its boring. It’s about as boring, if not more boring, than Winston’s ult, which is pretty boring and basic. Most of the time it’s effectiveness is debatable too. It’s a lot better for making her more survivable than it is for actually supporting your whole team at once, like the other Support ults.

Moira’s ult has the potential to be better if half of the people who play Moira actually used it to heal their team instead of kill the enemy with it.

Wouldn’t that make Rez significantly more powerful than it is now?

Is it possible that there’s anything Fun Mercy could be doing that’s not a more powerful Rez?


So 20 Rezzes per game is not more than 6?

Charge rate would be the same as Tracer’s ultimate. One single res as an ultimate.

If you cant communicate with comms, that’s a problem you should fix.

If my headset happens to be dead cuz I didnt charge it or whatever, I will literally just not play overwatch.

Communication is key.

And those aren’t oddly specific. People die and you have 10 seconds to do something about it. As long as they weren’t off on some solo flank adventure, more often than not those 3 scenarios are very real possibilities you should be taking advantage of.

You do realize that if all the Mercy community can come up with is “Make Rez Stronger”, the devs are probably just going to leave her as she is now for the foreseeable future, right?

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Blizzard can’t force people to speak against their will. :man_shrugging:t2:

You cherry-picked situations where you can Resurrect in the middle of a fight. They are oddly specific.

Removing Valkyrie and making a single target Resurrect with a one second cooldown an ultimate is weaker than current Mercy… Thinking otherwise makes me wonder, what is going on inside your head?

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I don’t understand what is up with people wanting to make Mercy’s kit focused on Rez,like what???

Use LFG. Require mics. I dont have any problems with communication.

Can’t be said for a decent amount of people. Especially in EU servers.

But like I said, that probably doesn’t matter if the devs don’t want to make Rez stronger.

They could make it aesthetically different so it feels better. Maybe a trade-off buff+nerf to Rez. But probably won’t ever just do a straight buff on it.

How exactly is a single target Resurrect on a 30 second cooldown more weaker than a single target Resurrect as an ultimate? How is Valkyrie more weaker than no Valkyrie?

I had an idea for that.

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I’ll wait for Blizzard to implement it then.

20 safer rezzes vs 6 risky rezzes.

Kinda a no-brainer which one is more powerful.

Isn’t this the case for any support ult? How many times have I seen even GM Zenyatta’s blow their ult to try and save their team, only for him to be left there in trance, floating alone.

Ults turn the tide sure, but they don’t turn lost fights into won fights by just pressing Q.

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Can you explain where you are getting these numbers? Also,

Valkyrie and Resurrect on E is weaker than No Valkyrie and single Resurrect as an ultimate. (Cast time included) just for clarification?

Just picking a random number bigger than 6.