Menu Screen bug

Screenshot of bug

I’ve been having this bug pretty regularly for a while. Not sure when it started, but it occurs between matches. After finishing a match, instead of being taken to the main menu, I get taken to this entering game screen. I’m not sure how to replicate this consistently, as it seems to happen randomly, and seems to happen between multiple matches without requeuing. I will update this thread if I ever find the cause, but it is a mystery to me.

This doesn’t affect gameplay at all, since I can still visit career profile through clicking on player icon, and I can still queue up if I am not the group leader. I can also enter games, but after finishing matches, the bug would usually persist, although it has gone away once or twice out of the 100+ times it has happened to me.

This gets a bit annoying since pressing the return key or spacebar will click the “CANCEL” button, which would log me out of the game, so I would need to either log in or restart the game through the launcher. It’s not game breaking, and I probably wouldn’t notice it if it got fixed but I finally decided to report this bug after more than a year. I have friends who have also gotten this menu bug, but it seems to happen to me most frequently.

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Been happening to me as well for the past month. Dont get your hopes up, who ever is in charge of fixing these bugs is too busy harassing women in the workplace