Mei's Delay Change.❄️

I just want the set up wall indicator to be visual to not only me, but my teammates as well.

This will be a QoL change for her.

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I am glad you got used to it honestly. I have about 50+ hours on her and I am still not wrapping my thought process on her delay.

I kind of agree with this. I have gotten better at shooting pharahs and ulting mercys out of the sky with mei than I have ever been able to do with mc cree.


There is a problem she has right now where she is a good pick but low dmg, especially direct dmg. That means its risky having her and say a Junkrat, despite that being a really good combo as you lack direct dps. She is basically fighting for a utility dps spot alongside Junkrat, Sombra, Bastion maybe Hanzo or Widow and a lot of the time you’d much rather have one of them. Have her closer to the 76 or McCree role of direct target dps and now she and Junk or Hanzo as a combo gets to work a lot better.

It would likely be horrid to play against (season 10 in a nutshell am I right?) but it would actually work and she would profit from being less specialized and more versatile instead.

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I’m already liking where this is going.

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I really wouldnt mind it if the icicle produced the same slow effect as mei’s blizzard and primary fire.

Cus that freeze STACKS.
If you blurt someone with primary for a bit to the point they’re slowed down right before they freeze and you pop your ult, they’ll freeze quicker than the other enemies who havent been hit by your primary fire.

The freeze attachment to her secondary would allow her kit to work together extremely well and will make her scary.

Also make sure her secondary fire cant outright freeze people but can slow them down as if they just got touched with mei’s primary fire.

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Disagree. I like her secondary fire as it is. It’s quite strong and just takes getting used to. My aim is quite good with it and one of the reasons I don’t play Hanzo, despite preferring projectiles, is because I absolutely hate having to charge my shots. I honestly find him infuriating to play.

Mei just needs the cryo fixed so the sfx play correctly, etc, and I think she’s fine.

Agreed. This idea is not changing her at all, just changing how her alt fire.

One can say that it is A-Mei-Zing :sweat_smile:

I like this idea as I suggested this back on the old forums!

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Trust me I am still I guess getting used to it as I have over 50+ hours on her, I just figure I made this suggestion to help her all feels less clunky I supposed.

As the delay for me helps, but hinder my aim more so than help.

that’s an awesome idea, I love Mei and would love her to get some love. Maybe make her icicle charge similar to Hanzo arrows, like you can hold the button and it will charge and as soon as you release it it will shoot.

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That’s all I want as the delay helps, but hinder at the same time.

For me at least.

I feel you. It’s why she is 3 star difficulty imo. The best advice I can give is to try different techniques to see what works for you. Some people track and lead shots, some people lead and flick, some people just lead. Personally, my style is closest to lead and flick. I aim in two ways. One, I lead my shots, and aim where I think the enemy will be by the time my icicle reaches them, I then click fire. Then I use the .5 second delay to flick/correct my aim. I primarily use this method for enemies whose attention is elsewhere because they move more predictably, but any situation in which their movements are fairly predictable is good, or when I’m spamming. In a duel, I predict/flick. I aim very generally, if at all, click, then flick to where I predict them to be. This works because the hit box on icicle is quite forgiving. The latter is also the only method of ohk tracers.

I don’t recommend using custom game bots to practice projectile aim, because they don’t move the same way people do, and projectiles are largely prediction of enemy movement. But you can go into the practice range and go to the moving bots. Set up so you face the cliff and you can see all four bots moving flat horizontally across the screen. Don’t stand at angle. While facing straight ahead, never aiming, just shoot the bots as they float by. Your goal is to accurately assess the length of time between when you fire and the icicle leaves your gun, and how fast the icicle travels. And then learning this for enemies at different distances. It’s what helped me. It helped a lot.

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Thanks for the suggestion and tips :sparkling_heart:

My suggestion still stands! but I will definitely use those tips.

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Heya Somvra!

I’m back and better than ever.

This is… astro 2.0!

Also i like the idea!

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This literally put a smile on my face :sweat_smile: I am glad you are back and better than EVER!!!

A new and improve Astro

Thanks :wink: you know me, all I am trying to do is let the community in on with some of Somvra’s Suggestions and/ or ideas.

Yo Somvra, that’s actually a really cool suggestion😁

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Do you guys think 300 hp like she had in beta would make her op?

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Thank you !!! :wink:

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