Mei the forth be with you

Ok… I made a pun with a pun, sorry.

But today is Star Wars day and even when it is extremly unlikely I just want to share some ideas for Star Wars related Overwatch skins.

Edit-Note: I now add some awesome ideas to the list.

  1. Emperor Winston
    He shots lightning and a our favorite scientist in a black robe would look pretty great imo.
  2. General Zenyatta
    Zenyatta as the most feared Jedi Hunter, General Grievous.
    “You must realize… you are doomed” when he discords someone? Yes please!
    Also when he kills Gengu in this skin “Die Jedi scum!”
  3. Jedi Master Genji
    He has a sword and can redirect shots. It just fits. Give him a blue lightsaber to fit his mastery of the sword, also when he ults: “Time for aggressive negotiations!”
  4. Stormtrooper 76
    Maybe the Stormtrooper who actually hits ppl he shot at?
  5. Mandalorian Reinhardt
    Reinhardt’s helmet almost looks like a typical T-visored Mandalorian helmet, just add the typical emblem of the warrior cult to Reins shield generator and we have a great skin.
  6. Baby Yoda Wrecking Ball
    With the Mech as the ‘orb’ that Baby Yoda floats in and the Hamster as actually Grogu.
  7. McCree as Cade Bane (Bounty Hunter)
    Just paint McCree blue with red eyes and we have him… could actually be just a epic skin.
  8. Ashe-D2 with BOB-3PO
    Ashe in a R2-D2 cosplay with a fitting golden Protocol droid BOB. Just sick, right?
  9. Bastion Gonk droid (by Sickone)
    This just fits way to well, both are boxy and you just can tune down Bastions voice to fit the typical Gonk droid noises.
  10. Darth Reaper (by Nox)
    Just resamble Reaper as a Dark Lord of the Sith. It would deffinatly fit him.
  11. Droideka Hammond (by Starlord)
    A shame that I actually everytime refer Hammond as the Hamster that watched to much Star Wars and build a Droideka cosplay but did not add him into the list at first. It is basically Hammond just in a different color sheme. xD
  12. Pharah Fett (by chon2)
    Pharah as Mandalroian Bounty Hunter, maybe in blue and silver? Because Pharah mains love blue colored skins if I remember correctly.
  13. Mei-Mei Binks
    Mei as Jar Jar. Nothing to add here.
  14. Princess Mei-a (by Baja) / Princess Mercy-a (by Silver4life)
    Both could fit, but I would think Mercy fits Leia better than the reincarnated Ice devil.
  15. R2-D2 Bastion (by Electro71)
    Would deffinatly fit, but the Astromech is way curvier than Bastion so I think a Gonk Droid would fit him better, but I love the idea.
  16. Captain Han McCree
    Han Solo allways had this cowboy attidute if you ask me.
  17. Hana Solo in the Millenium Tokki (by HanaSolo - who had thought)
    HanaSolo… yeah… why I haven’t thought about that? Makes actually perfect sense.
  18. Chewston (by HanaSolo)
    Winston as the best Sidekick ever? Also hairy with a anger problem but a heart out of gold? It just fits too good at this point.
  19. Jedi D.Va (by DvaDiff)
    Not shure how that fits… but ok?
  20. Empress Symmetra
    Symmetra as the Sith Emperess herself in black leather that can place little deathstars and a hyperspace-ring as teleporter? Can I get a “YES PLEASE” from the Symmetra mains?
  21. Jabba the Hogg & Salacious Junk (by HanaSolo)
    Alone for the pun Blizzard shoudld consider these skins. For all Non-Nerds, Salacious Crumb is the little “ape”-thing that hangs around Jabba the Hutt and mocks people. So perfect fit for both.

Gather more awesome ideas, please share them here lads and lasses!

And also a happy Star Wars day!


Bastion Gonk Droid is what we all need



I love R2D2, only star wars character i care about, considering I’m not the big on star wars.

the star wars inspired video games are better, like Vader immortal and swtor, heck even the Disney infinity spinoff, oh well guess society will hate me for only liking the dumbest part about star wars.

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Oh my… this suits him so well though!

mei as the physical representation of the dark side


Lucio has the highground


Pretty obvious Darth Vader Reaper or Revan, since the mask would go pretty well.

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Wheres Droideka Wrecking Ball?


Pharah would be a perfect Jet trooper, that or any mandalorian


Oh my gods… these are all good. Not shure how we make Lucio the high ground though. But Darth Reaper, Bounty Hunter Pharah (Pharah Fett?) or Droideka Hammond are great ideas


Princess Mei-a…with the buns in her hair

(I thought this one was obvious given it’s mei the fourth)


Mmh… I would rather make Mei Jar-Jar Binks

We were so close to greatness, with having Jar Jar Binks as a Sith Lord, but StarWars Stans hated his goofeyness.

i only like r2d2 bc its cute. i have a soft spot for robots (some). i hate star wars tho

Leia Mercy please! 20 char

I don’t know very much about Star Wars but I love this thread anyway lol

R2-D2 Bastion, anyone?

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I had this idea too. His belt would say “HSSF”

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Widow says no.


I feel like y’all are forgetting someone…


You got it OP

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