Mei Tank Rework for Experimental

I was just wondering if the Dev team has talked about this? I think a lot of people would be optimistic and happy for a Mei rework and this would add another offtank into the game. As a console OW Player, Mei is a nuisance but now with the recent nerfs she is very situational and doesn’t really fit neatly. I really like Mei as a hero and would love to see her in a role that fits her a lot better.

What’s with the sudden surge of Mei —> tank topics?

Also it would be nice to try it…

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I like Mei a lot too. And play console too. And think dps suits her.

While I would like more tanks, reworks are touchy things. I’d be interested to see what kind of changes Mei mains like to see if the hero was changed though.

Saw a video for it on Youtube. Blame the Controller I think. Personality talks about it, now everyone’s talking about it. As it do.

A lot of talk in the community since Mei is rly annoying and just doesn’t fit into the game decently, especially with her freeze (hard to balance)

A youtuber made a video

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mainly cuz mei is basically dumpster tier only played to really counter winston ball and genji all characters who have waaaaay better counters and maybe played for 2cp but her freeze takes so long now that its not even worth playing her.

Just watched BTC after making this lol. At least on console, this idea has been around since the torb rework just started gaining a ton of traction after BTC made his first video on it.