Mei’s icicle fall-off removal

The forums are like a kid. They focus on the shiny new thing to complain about. This buff won’t make her the shiny new thing so the forums won’t speak a word of her. She could literally be low key OP and barely anyone will complain and those that will will just have retorts with “she is not even meta lul”.

No reason to worry for her honestly.

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It won’t have the same effect because mei still can’t oneshot you from a mile away. Also her projectile isn’t as fast as hanzos for example.

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It really is a bad idea. Nobody is hitting skill shots with those things at long range. It’s just mindless spam. Spam should be discouraged.

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I’m going to have to disagree. I’ve been able to and I’ve seen a couple other Mei’s shoot long range shots where you can clearly tell they are aiming.

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I mean, occasionally, sure. But 90%+ of hits are gonna be spam.

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* at 1.2 shots per second

I’m not sure if that’s actually true… the wiki is wrong sometimes, and I think this is one of them. That same wiki also says that Bastion’s maximum Recon spread is 1.25°, but it’s actually 1.5°. I use that as an example just because I know that one is wrong… I’m sure there are other examples too

The heck are you getting this information?

Okay, I think you’re referring to the charge up. Yeah, that takes about 0.4-ish seconds, but there’s also a slight delay between shots where she lowers her gun after the recoil. It’s not like you’re shooting an icicle every 0.4 seconds…


I’ve checked, and both the ‘fandom’ wiki aswell as the ‘gamepedia’ wiki claim her icicle’s projectile speed is 120 m/s, so i’m going to assume they might be right on this one.

Also, i did not take into account the delay between shots (in addition to the charge-up time), which was ignorant of me. Sorry.