Mei Revert/Nerf

Mei is better this patch, and she was meta for the patch just before 222. (Then Sigma came out and she wasn’t meta anymore).
But over the rest of the entire course of Overwatch history, she was a relatively weak niche hero.


reaper 1 shots her in face, most of cast has better dps at range than her (and she has no mobility really), and rest of cast (excluding rein and some supports) have the dmg to kill her b4 she freezes them if they can aim.

and thats 1v1. 2 ppl hitting her? she will die way b4 the freeze happens.

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I made a post about this several weeks before patch was released and gave explanation why mei had this passive and why she no longer needed it.

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I’m confused, why do they even have to nerf her in the first place? Her pickrate and winrate is like meh atm the last time I checked in overbuff(which is today). Are you the one of those who wants nerfs and buffs based on your feelings?


I hate examples like this. It’s like people forget there are types of maps that she is ridiculously strong. KoTH and assault maps are where she shows her true potential as a monster dps. Also, she got no mobility, but she got the damn shift and the wall + the freeze to try and escape. I’m not asking them to gut Mei, its just a matter of fixing the damn freeze so i can play my tanks in peace cause i’m not sure about you, but i’m not willing to swap to Sigma or Orisa everytime there is a Mei on enemy team.


IDK, you could just say, counter Mei with a Phara?
Also Sombra is quite effective too, coming from a Mei main, I get a bit to confident on my being able to heal myself, a good hack messes with that quite well.


Not willing to swap? This game is all about counters.


Nothing says you must swap.
It may be advisable, but you don’t have too.

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Will vouch for endothermic blaster buff being specifically suggested by a player and then accepted by blizzard because they were looking for “ways to buff Mei in anticipation of the impending triple tank meta” shortly after brig’s release and the death of grav dragons meta

Idk how she will fare without that ability though because the state of play has changed dramatically since that buff was implemented.

Just focus Mei’s primary so it’s more of an aim-based beam like Sym’s rather than a spray. Then compensate with a little more DPS on the beam.

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There really is a problem with Mei, but it’s not damage. It’s a player-experience issue. The same reason why Roadhog’s old hook one-shot kill combo was fixed, and why Sombra’s hack was nerfed a little bit. Interactions that lack counterplay are no fun, and being frozen by Mei, and then shot in the head while you can’t move, is a very good example of a very bad player experience.

The simple fix, in my opinion, would be to remove her ability to freeze you completely, and then buff her (add a little dps to her beam or something) in whatever way keeps her balanced. I’d be fine if she can make me so slow I can’t dodge effectively, but not being able to fire back is a terribly frustrating experience.

Same thing with her ult. Have it make you suuuuper slow, but never immobile, and never unable to fire back. If I get caught in her ultimate there’s pretty much no chance I’m getting out before I freeze, and if I freeze, I’m pretty much dead, so where’s the counterplay?

Anyway, I love this game, but I feel that Mei is the most unpleasant character to play against right now.


false people need to stop with this lie its almost as pathetic as the “doom is only good because of double shield” lie

mei got her multifreeze buff way before goat because she was underperforming , they never buffed her once during goat and even after her buff she still wasnt played this much

really her multifreeze isnt even this good unless you like to hug your teammates while allowing mei to come close enough without you and your hug partners teammates shooting her and without probably shields in the way you shouldnt have an issue and if you do you allow her to do , you deserve to be frozen and die

really the only problematic thing about mei is her wall and i mean if people understood that the pillars could be broken quite easy maybe there couldnt be any prob , even in GM people still don’t shoot the wall

this community talk a lot about skill and stuff than maybe start to have some ? because if you guys did moira orb and moira as a all wouldnt be an issue neither would be mei

She’s been always strong against tanks and has been ridiculous since that buff. Worst part that buff was only there to make OWL pick her more, it had nothing to do with balance.

I’ve been calling for Mei nefrs forever, but since this pierce she needed nerfs more than ever. Her and Reaper are buffed for free tanks in a game that only allows three tanks in the arcade and shields got weakened as well. Great game balance right there.

The pierce on primary needs to be gone, the slow needs to be gone the moment she’s not spraying you (so that you don’t stayed slowed when she’s dead). One time I got frozen because I came from around a corner on Mei freezing up friendly Hog and it hit like she was channeling her freeze on me all this time.


Who cares about mobility characters when she can just walk up to a tank and the tank is dead. She’s not farming Genjis, she’s farming the whole class of tank.

And just before they didn’t say it wasn’t to counter triple tank, doesn’t mean that what it was for.


Probably because she’s not as consistent or useful as a normal DPS character. Although, ironically, she is a noobstomper. Which means she’s oppressive vs newer or lesser skilled players. But garbage/easy to counter the higher the ranking goes… Meaning it takes more effort to not doom herself/her team the higher the ranking goes as well.

She could certainly use a change, still.

The more complicated fix would be to make it so that Freezing an enemy made them have high damage resistance.

So it’s more desirable to slow them, rather than freeze them. Unless the goal is to just remove them from the fight temporarily.

That way it’s Freeze Or Kill, but not both.

But of course, the icicle would need to have almost no initial startup delay

This is hyperbolic and entirely untrue. Several tanks have more than a fighting chance to kill her and several more have escape options.

I think you mean “That doesn’t mean that’s not what it was for”. I don’t operate on player assumption. The buffs were mostly given before triple tank became a thing.


Lets also not forget it takes a full 1.5 seconds to fully stun also.

Health has been reduced. Two dps can destroy it in around a second.

And make her immobile giving her opponents opportunity to recover and prepare.


Mei needs more than reverts I think. Her right click has no business being so good at range. The character isn’t supposed to be a threat from that range. I’d redesign her wall too. Fewer columns, maybe 4 and make them weaker so that it isn’t a death sentence when your Rein is walled off.

Some people refuse to play Lucio to counter this, because they rather lock in the Moira+Mercy comp and leave voice :slight_smile: This would open up for some individual counterplay to the wall.

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How am I spreading lies when it’s a fact that the Mei buffs were in response to GOATS since she wasn’t meta at the time, and when did I ever say your response wasn’t reasonable

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