Mei QoL Changes and Small Buffs ❄️

Yeah, she was played in Contenders… until they realized Sombra isn’t that good, and stopped playing her in Contenders. At least that’s what i heard.

For many Sombra mains, Contenters feels like a one giant meme at this point.

55 % winrate in GM on Overbuff means nothing. This week, every hero except Mercy had over 50% winrate on GM. 50+ is norm there.

What matters more is overall pickrate compared to overall winrate: Sombra has low 0.79% pickrate and low 48.68% winrate in all ranks combined. With statistics we have, she’s only good at highest level of play, but not exactly meta, and sucks everywhere else.

Which is exactly why we need the change i just suggested.


Don’t know if anyone’s mentioned this, but I’ve heard Jardio (high level Mei player) mention giving her a cooldown reset if she breaks her wall early that could be super useful.

So the wall duration is up to 5 seconds & the cooldown would then just be 5 seconds from when the wall breaks, rather than the cooldown being 10 seconds & starting from when the wall is placed.
This means she isn’t punished for using quicker walls to gain high ground or dodge important enemy fire/abilities etc.

Personally, I think she should have a similar ground pound to Hammond if she uses Cryo-Freeze in mid-air. This gives even further value to her ability to gain high ground.
I also like the Cryo-Freeze reload & AoE slow ideas. Blizzard also shouldn’t be cancelled once it’s left her hand (same for Pulse Bomb & a few others). Give her these and like 50 more HP & we can make her an off-tank!

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People keep saying Sombra is fine is clearly lying to themselves. She is not fine, however, she is not too far off. She just need bugs fixes and some QoL Changes/ minor buff.

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To me the contender is a place where teams would test out new team comps, new heroes that was recently buffed and nerfed etc.

:sweat_smile: This just made my day lol.

I don’t like the idea of a Mei buff.

It’s already super good at what it does. Making it so the Mei doesn’t have to budget her ammo is a bad decision in my opinion.

Why? What’s the justification? I’m against an ammo refill just because you threw your drone.

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I can see this working, but at the same time I don’t. It just depends.

Most of these I got these suggestion from well known players who play Mei.

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Nobody does honestly… The community hates her lol.

I was putting it in more line with heroes like McCree and Reaper, who don’t have to budget her ammunition as well.

In the recent patch, you have heroes who ammo refill with a press of a button, such as Solider 76, McCree, Winston, Roadhog, Genji, Zenyatta, Pharah etc. I don’t see the big deal if those heroes can press Q and have their ammunition refilled, then I don’t see an issue with Mei doing as well. Nor I don’t think she will be overpowered.

Honestly the only minor change I’d give Mei if she needs it would be making it so you could use her Ice Wall against walls to make platforms. Imagine how many flanks would become possible.

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That would be amazing, I am sorry A-Mei-Zing.

I really wish they would rework her Icewall targeting (likewise for every other ability that uses the system).

It’s clunky to use while moving and dodging, and very easy to set it several meters from where you actually intended, especially on places that are at a higher elevation.

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I think the only quality of life change mei’s cryo-freeze needs is for them to fix the delay bug that they said they would a long time ago

For the ice wall i wouldn’t mind if it had more health but i don’t think it needs to be bigger since it already has a decent size.

For the ice wall indicator i agree it should show the entirety of the wall but having it show to allies would probably lead to toxicity and criticism of ice wall placement but more importantly then that i’d be more annoying then beneficial because i’d be seen all the time and doesn’t even confirm if your mei will actually place it in that spot instead of placing it elsewhere and canceling it.

For mei’s ultimate, if snowball releases from her hand then it should go off and activate wether she’s stunned hacked or dead.

Beyond that i don’t think anything else should be changed.

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Yeah, I can see this happening.

I agree for sure.

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With good reason.

McCree and Reaper can’t stop you in your tracks, look you in the eye, then take their time with a head-shot either.

Transformation ultimate abilities were updated to do that.
Mei’s ultimate is not a transformation.

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I know something that will help to make mei’s ice wall more bearable to her teammates, when somebody first picks mei there should be a tip that pops up right infront of her screen that let’s you know how to break her ice wall.

There’s too many who don’t know this feature exists…

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I would judge Mei’s balance state, but I can’t tell since she literally cannot perform her role properly. Cryo-freeze cast time makes for terrible interactions, the wall has a bunch of issues, and her ult gets interrupted at random times (throwing it, getting stunned, losing it). I hope the devs fix her, because she’ll never be a reliable pick if she’s broken like this.

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Cryo-freeze actually doesn’t have a cast time and it’s a bug that they said they were going to fix awhile ago but never did…sigh

Really? I’m very sure the cast time was implemented in a stealth nerf a couple years ago.

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