Mei ice skating? Yay or nay?

She lacks something. She also doesn’t has a passive. Everything became faster in OW2.

Why not eat her iceskate.

Yay, or nay?

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I don’t know what she needs, but I do know she’s probably not getting significant changes until after they sort out the bigger issues.

She’s in a “good enough” state right now for the devs, and there’s a lot of residual butthurt about OW1 Mei.

Tbh, I’d settle for -1sec on iceblock, -1sec on icewall, faster icewall deploy speed, and the options menu choice to swap between primary/secondary without screwing up the deploy/cancel buttons on icewall.

Also if that “Kiriko losing her cleanse” thing is real, then that’s a huge benefit to Blizzard Ult.

Although maybe it would be nice is Zarya bubble didn’t cleanse Freeze. Kinda like how it doesn’t cleanse Sleep Dart, or Earthshatter.

That will make Mei REAL strong.

Because Mei will be able to stop Kiriko’s ult (wall absorbs the fox), but the reverse won’t be true.

You and your blender comp…

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They patched it!!!

You can’t freeze people by slow stacking any more :frowning:

I mean, yes, it was abusing a bug, but it was fun.

Lol, that’s what you get for releasing your secrets :stuck_out_tongue:

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What fun is it to keep them to myself?

They tested doing so, but it meant you kept looking down. (note, she does have this in HOTS)

They did a write up on it.

This might put the topic to rest.

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I mean, ice skating isn’t suddenly going to make her good. But it’s extremely fun and would actually make her left click have a purpose so I’m all for it.

The biggest issue with this is it was in 2018 during 6v6 when Mei still had her own identity. Right now she lost everything about her that made her unique AND she is unable to keep up consistently in the fast paced world of OW2. If anything, it would be nice for rotating back in after respawning.

I got a similar fun thing in DarkTide.

You got a ranged weapon that gains crit chance as the number of bullets in the clip goes down to 0.

But it maintains that buff with Melee weapons.

Gonna be sad if they patch that out.

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Geoff isn’t here anymore though.

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She is more likely to get “snowball mode” from PvE - where you can roll around when you are iceblocked.

That part I agree with. Its 5yrs later. Mei has some mobility by being able to stand on top of wall which gets her and others to situational terrain. She no longer has freeze. Chasing targets down doesnt’ seem that scary.

It is an interesting idea to consume ammo for a speed boost and screw up your damage to try catching up to someone to use her primary fire. Since in most cases shooting people out of primary fire range with alt fire is better in every regard. Can headshot. Burst 150 dmg.

Idk if you played the CC patch during OW1 but her being able to ice skate was a change they did and it was very fun to do. I also found the “looking at the ground” was nice balance since you were trading off speed for being able to see alot and really rewarded you for knowing the map.

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