[Mei-gathread] Does Mei feels balanced and underpowered at the same time?

I’m watching a live with the italian Mei dubber (Katia Sorrentino), and hearing her say “F–k you Widowmaker” (Vaffan----) sounds damn weird but cool

Oppressive and cheap is the sum of it. Her counter play is “Don’t get near her and, oh, don’t let your team get near the objective either because ult” and her ult’s only counter comes from two characters who are VERY handicapped by an ability that cannot be turned off… primary fire.

FYI Im fine with you disagreeing.

She has more counterplay other than “Don’t come close” but I guess not getting close to her is the best counterplay seeing how Mei is a close range hero who doesn’t has mobility. She is supposed to be stronger in close range after all. Keeping distance gives you a better chance dealing with Mei. (The same things counts for Reaper and Brigitte.)

Mei being a close range hero is also why she is weak to long range attacks and splash damage. Reaper and Brigitte has the se weaknesses. But in return do they all have better survivability. It’s a tradeoff.

I’m fine with you disagreeing as well.

I think it’s important to listen to both sides when it comes to hero balancing.

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Any word on these bugs?

The disorienting “teleport bug” when you boost up to the top of your wall needs to go…

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No updates on her bugs yet.

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Nothing for the moment, i hope anyway to see something new and bug fixes in PTR for her.
Also these days i didn’t touched Overwatch, and i completed Quake in nightmare mode.
These days i will probably start placement matches and try to reach platinum

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How do you all feel about this Reaper buff? I think Mei is going to have lot of trouble against him in next patch. Especially in lower ranks, where Reaper was already pretty strong against Mei.

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He’s still weak at ranged attacks, but other than that will I consider Reaper a decent counter to Mei with this buff.

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Any Mei players find themselves developing a fear of getting CC’d when pressing Q? This has started recently for me, I get hooked, flashbanged, shield bashed, sleep darted, I’ve seen it all, it’s really frustrating that even if Snowball has left Mei’s hand, it’s still gonna disappear into thin air, bye bye. The cast time being 1.5 second is super long in terms of Overwatch’s pace of action, and Mei being a close range hero in order to fullfill her potential is really putting her at a risky position to cast ult considering the prevalence of CC. I think Mei needs a buff for this cast time, and speed up the animation time to 1 second like what they done with Junkrat.


I have this with the cryofreeze and the ultimate. I find this issue too punishing: it punishes a bad use of ultimate, but punishes the whole team because your ultimate got wasted because of an unfair bug.
The cast time should be reverted to the original state: the ultimate should work like a grenade, even you die or get stunned wehen thrown, it should deploy and work

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Yeah I have it too. Mei just doens’t feel right. You are spending most of the time trying to predict what might happen. This causes me to use cryofreeze early or walls and so on. It is frustrating.

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Wall Mei-ta soon?
Anyway i should find some time to play competitive matches, i want to try to reach platinum

This is not the first time they tried predicting a meta with Mei in it only to be proven wrong later.

To be honest, I don’t want Mei to become meta.

(I don’t want her nerfed :confounded:)

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Personally would be nice to see her pickrate increased a bit (up to 2-4%), but not too much.
I still want her to have an high skill ceiling and a quite high learning curve (a bit like VIM :stuck_out_tongue:), that’s what makes Mei a different hero IMO.
I wouldn’t like to see Mei becoming a lower skill hero, wouldn’t be fun enought for me, but i still want to see the bugs that plague her fixed immediately.

With Reaper getting a buff, Mei+Reaper also could be a serious combo if people would you know… actually play together.

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PTR Patch notes concerning Mei…


  • Fixed a bug that caused Mei’s hat to fold into itself when she used Cryo-Freeze with the Mei-rry skin equipped

Hey look… they didn’t forget about Mei.


I remember making a post about this on the forums and reddit around the summer games. It even reached the hot page of reddit.

Good to see it finally fixed.

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She could probably kill Goats, if Lucio wasn’t able to speed boost everyone out of harms way.

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It’s funny you say this, because there is a variant of Goats where Dva is replaced with Mei. This comp is being called Snoats and acts as a counter to Goats. Mei would wall of 1 tank at a the time and she and her teammates would go all out against that tank.

But this comp isn’t exactly popular, mostly because they lose a Dva (who can block ultimates like grav) and because not all of them have played Mei that often.

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Yeah I can imagine Mei having such a layer of dust on her on the pro scene.