[Mei-gathread] Does Mei feels balanced and underpowered at the same time?

there’s still the bug with the hitbox from frozen enemies not matching what you see on screen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0_7n8tXFRA

it’s obvious with shatter and sleep, but it happens with pretty much any movement after being frozen.

and of course there’s still the bug around where enemies just dont get frozen for whatever reason (both with ult and leftclick), but still havent been able to get a video of that


Here you go:

I think it’s not just movement that messes with it. I think the hitboxes of frozen enemies can still be moved if they are hit with an ability that forces the body in another position. Abilities like sleep and Shatter.


if a hero needs a map they are strong on to be ok then they’re bad, it’s in the premise.

There are still plenty of QOL improvements Mei needs.

Her wall sometimes allows hooks and DVA bombs through it if you deploy within a second before the attack. Cryofreeze needs to act as instantaneous as it looks (I still get killed, damaged, hooked, etc… when I’m going into cryo). And most of all, Blizzard (ult) needs to function with the same independence of Mei as every other heroes mechanical ult (Junkrat, DVA, Ashe, and Wrecking Ball) where if those heroes are killed, hooked, stunned, frozen, etc… then their Ults still function. Mei’s ult is the only one that disappears in mid air.

The problem with Mei is her TTK, unless you can left click/right click she does half as much DPS as a McCree with a projectile that is more difficult to aim than a hitscan. I think Mei needs to be “rebalanced” around her right click, 1.1 to .9 seconds per Icecycle might be enough to let her actually be a DPS.

Not just Mei’s ultimate can disappear mid air. All projectile ultimates can.
The reason why it disappear mid air is because of latency.

If Mei is stunned after the cast time (0.5 seconds):

If Mei is stunned after the cast time (0.5 seconds) with ~30 ms ping:

If Mei is stunned after the cast time (0.5 seconds) with ~300 ms ping:

I recommend you to read this thread:
[PROOF] Projectile Ults blocked by Lag
I went in full detail what causes disappearing ultimates and what affects it. I even use Mei’s ultimate as an example.

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Not every hero needs to be good in every possible situation at any given moment. As long as she has her current kit, she will always fill the niche of being anti-tank on close quarters maps. A Mei will almost always be useless on Junkertown, for example. While she thrives on maps such as Kings Row. It has nothing to do with her balance more than it has to do with how she functions as a character.

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If her ultimate would stop disapearing when I die Mei would be basically perfect right now. Skill at hitting long range projectiles is rewarded with a strong ultimate, great close quarters kit that rewards tactical play well balanced by cooldowns.


I would replace her wall with something else. It’s too much cc that’s Mei bringing in the game

Mei is literally the only character that drives me crazy, I hate playing against her so much.

True, otherwise those heroes would be dominant and would be really boring to play and have against

In attack personally works pretty damn well, i can close some parts and split the enemies well, preventing them to contest

She needs mostly to get her bugs fixed, then buffing other parts of her kit should be considered

That’s the core of her kit, removing it would make her a totally different hero IMO

So don’t be a pheasant, learn to counter her. Personally i hate facing Spamrat, especially in competitive play

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Not a bird.

Regardless, Mei isn’t underpowered. She has some bugs and when/if those are fixed… she will be overpowered given how many characters she shuts down, her ability to snipe, stall on point, and use area of denial attacks.

I agree.

She has a lot of bugs that needs to be fixed.

I doubt she will be overpowered if her bugs are fixed.

Yes, she has gameplay affecting bugs, but not ones that makes her unplayable and extremely weak.

She still has clear weaknesses and counters. Spammers, snipers and range attacks are still her weaknesses.

Sure, her icicle has range as well, but it also has a cast time, travel time and low firerate. Her best range are still close to mid range, and even then has most heroes mobility, invulnerability, CC or other means to deal with Mei.

Also, Mei has the lowest average damage from all the DPS’ers AND tanks. Her denial attacks is to balance out her low damage output.
She also has high sustainability and slightly higher healthpool because she is a close range hero with no mobility.

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The necessity of tanks makes her feel strong at times.
It’s infuriating to go up against a good Mei as a tank.
Tanks are already boring to play, now imagine being actively sabotaged by this chubby annoying Eskimo.

EDIT: Also, that video is outdated.

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Those are weaknesses that almost every other character shares.

Right now, Mei’s main strength is that to reliably kill her without sniping/spamming takes two or more people surrounding her from a slight distance.

Well yeah, that’s kinda to be expected from a character who’s strongest range is supposed to be close to midrange.

The same thing can be said about Reaper and Brigitte.

There is a reason why Mei was a defense hero. It’s because she had good area control as a close range hero.

Like I said:

Being in her best range doesn’t automatically means a guaranteed death. There are ways to deal with Mei, even at close range.

Yes, Mei can be oppressive and annoying, but she’s also extremely fair. Her kit (and freeze) offer counterplay to all heroes.

When her “counterplay” (as a whole*) is hack her, overwhelm her, or snipe her that’s really not anything unique given that she is better at controlling a 20 meter diameter circle around her than any other character in the game. With just her primary fire.

*as a whole cause, yes, there are some abilities that Mei has which are directly countered… her ult being countered by DM and deflect, for example. But Mei uniquely counters more characters than uniquely counter her.

can you name me a single character other than reinhardt that is hardcountered by mei?

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She plays so differently than everyone else that it feels impossible to tell if she’s in a good spot. XD

Mei is very strong against: DVA, Ana, Zen, Winston, Tracer, Genji, Lucio.