Mei 5th: Is Mei Resoponible for her team's deaths?

Ni Hao! Welcome to The Month of Mei Season 2
Todei’s topic: Cause and effect.

Before Mei went into Cryosleep, she left the sensors running so that they would have A bunch of data when they woke up. It seemed like an innocuous thing to do at the time, since they weren’t supposed to be frozen for all that long, but this ended up draining the facility’s power. By the time Winston’s recall message brought things back online, Mei’s pod was the only one still functioning.

Would all of the pods have remained online if Mei had Shut everything down?

Was she supposed to shut everything down, or was leaving the Sensors on Opara’s idea?

Why would Mei drink coffee/tea right before going into stasis?

Let’s discuss.


She planned everything like the Satan she is.


She knew that no one would be perma-dead because Moira could just rebuild their bodies with biotic energy.

Shush… that’s tomorrow’s topic.

Judging her character solely from in game experience. She clearly planned it.

Satan is very proud of her…

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