Ni Hao! Welcome to ![The Month of Mei Season 2](
Todei’s topic: “There’s a wall there”
Mei’s wall is a powerful ability… when it’s used right. When it’s used wrong, It’s a powerful ability in the other team’s favor.
What are some of the worst Timed and/or placed walls you’ve ever seen?
one Time on Illios, I tried to block a D.Va ult that would have sailed harmlessly into the well if I hadn’t stopped it, and it killed half my team.
I tried to wall off a high-nooning McCree once. I ended up accidentally raising him up instead, granting him a quintuple kill.
In similar fashion, I attempted to block off a sentry-mode Bastion, raised him up, and granted him height advantage a triple kill. T_T
I tried to wall off flankers on the right side of our point, then tracer comes from the left, blinks in and pulse bombs.
Everyone runs straight to the right, which is right into my wall and the tracer gets a 4k.
oh…it still hurts to think about
I’m not that well seasoned with Mei, but I was trying her out on Control in Lijiang’s marketplace. I knew what I wanted to do
Ice Wall the McCree that’s gonna try and ult behind us
I Ice Walled behind the McCree that then Ulted behind us…
Tried walling off a D.Va bomb that was on the cart on Hollywood. I misplaced it and put it behind the bomb… triple kill…
That feeling when you throw dva’s mech and a friendly Mei wall pops up blocking it…
Ages ago, when D.VA got killed by her own nuke, I ejected mine on the point and ran towards a doorway to take cover… only to be walled out by my own team’s Mei.
Those were not pretty words coming from my mouth.
Dva was about to nuke us on the choke point. The way we’re we’re positioned, it was either put the wall up and sacrifice me, or put the wall up and I’m the only survivor.
So naturally I went to block it on their side so only I die.
The stupid mech jumped the wall and fell on the other side. RIP match lol.