Mei’s ultimate-

a stupid boop from both sides leading to both teams dying a horrible death

so y e s

alright, funs not the right word, doesnt feel fair would be better

Really?!? The worst? No ultimate worse than blizzard? Not one?

I’m sure I can think of a few: Tactical Visor, Widow’s Infrasight, Valkyrie, Whole Hog, Primal Rage, Death Blossom, …

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Yeah, I meant to say one of the worst. Other characters at least don’t have an outdated and bad kit in every aspect like she does, they make up for a bad ult.


Blizzard isn’t a great ultimate, but it’s also not quite as bad as people make out here. Some heroes have an easy time avoiding it, sure, but not the whole roster.

It’s also funky as hell. Can’t count the time I got frozen outside it’s area of effect, esp. aggravating when trying to charge through/out of it as Rein, and still end up as a popsicle in a place where it shouldn’t have any effect.

It is amazing combined with grav or shatter.

It not only removes all their defenses, but it lets the tank or graved or shattered get ult charge from the aftermath of that ult, which is huge.

It is great when combined with other ults.

Alone it is a bit bad, but that is the same for most ults.

Combine it with the tanks ults and you will see just how strong it is.

Pre nerf, I feel it only needed to be blockable by a shield.

Just to see that it’s factually worst ult in the game

I mean it’s decent, does it’s job perfectly and can force enemies into dangerous positions for allies to take advantage of. And good tip I’d recommend saving a wall to close off any escape routes right after tossing the ult, enemy won’t expect it and will panic which is especially strong on Nepal.

Infra sight is good imo

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Oh please, the post you quoted very conveniently omits that blizzard slows you down as soon as it starts. So no, it’s not quite that trivial to escape if you play a hero with no movement abilities.

Also, please do elaborate how it’s worse than Infrasight, which does no damage at all, or Tactical Visor, which - for any capable Soldier player - actually lowers Soldier’s DPS.

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Revert requested?

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Yes please. Idky it ever got nerfed

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Just do what everybody/every hero does.
Solo ult the Rein.


I disagree. The ults you mentioned (grav and especially shatter) are all you need to win a fight. Knocking out a bunch of their team with a shatter allows you to get a pick extremely easy and more often than not multiple. Grav aswell is one of the best ultimates in the game and combines with literally every other ult near enough. While blizzard is good combined with grav (Or makes it usable), I would rather have pretty much any other ult in the DPS lineup. EMP, blade, molten core, Ashe tnt combined with bob, barrage, pulse, death blossum, dead eye, rip-tire the list goes on. All these ult’s also have much better chances of being useful on their own as Ultimates.
Plus all the kits of the heroes I said are helpful outside the ultimate for a mass amount of things unlike Mei’s currently who’s really only good for denying tank ults with wall/cryo.

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honestly I’d say hers is a set up ultimate like rein or zaryas that just so happens to also be capable of being used for area denial

That VERY much depends on your rank.

Yeah, I do NOT think so. That is VERY rank dependent.

Mei has an ultimate?

I thought the wall.was her ultimate…I have been playing her wrong the entire time.

Maybe make it a bit wider. One or two meters? Even if it lasts the same amount of time, it’ll get more people and be harder to escape. Other denial ults have to threat of big damage like Torb’s and Ashe’s but since hers is all about the freeze, it might be better to use to trap people.

But that’s just me. Either way would make it a better ult, making it wider or last longer.

What makes it powerful is the combination of her kit with it.

Her wall is awesome for cutting off routes of escape.

Her primary fire stacks with her ult so you can prioritize specific targets to near instantly freeze them. You can even angle for pierce on secondary and if fortunate even tertiary.