[MEGATHREAD] Symmetra 3.0

Nothing in this game will ever compare to old Photon Barrier. Nothing.

To be honest, we can protect against tracer quite well now, we just need to get orb+melee. TBQH orb doesn’t animation cancel fast enough for us to have a favorable matchup against her anyway, unless we commit multiple turrets, and anticipate her.

Damn look at that ******* area denial oh my god… It’s so powerful. You know, I really didn’t appreciate it enough while I had it. But area denial is a thing of the past…


Man, brings a tear to me eye.
That damage consistency and 1-on-1 survivability, good times.


Yep, throw it out and one could take out an Ulting Pharah no sweat.

Yeah, could set up a whole room or doorway and just melt the enemies. Many times without even being around (waiting for Rez from Spawn).

I saw 3 or 4 (depending on which video) vs 1 survivability. I’ve tried the Symmetra 3.0, nope not as good. Not even close.


I just wanted to post this here since it’s the most comprehensive post I have ever made, and it summarizes my current general view on the hero. And I cannot stress enough that I like 2.0 and would love to have her back in the game in any capacity despite my opinion that 3.0 is better

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Mm. yes. Our old Indian goddess. Our TRUE Symmetra.

Our queen lives on in our hearts my fellow Sym mains.

We WILL get her back. We WILL see her GLORIOUS return


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I felt like posting this here.

Yesterday, I’ve made a topic with a detailed description of 3.0 rework. Its goal was to explain issues and reasoning behind this enormous rework, and to answer how the rework adressed these problems. It also concludes general ideas on what changes would fix both iterations.

While I would love to see a continuous and hot debate pointing things
people agree and disagree with, I can understand that reading such a wall of text is quite a challenge.

That being said, I still hope this is a good addition to this thread, explaining some stuff noone really bothered to explain.


added to the thread!

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I have to say I am shocked. I have somehow managed to avoid toxicity for the longest time. And I will not give in and just call it a common occurence since it only happened 3 times, but 3 times in a row is astonishing

3 games, I had gold damage in each of them, and a medal of some kind in each for elims. One of the games I had reached 10k damage blocked, and yet my teammate moira labeled me as a problem even though THAT game we won

Symmetra definitely needs attention, this kind of thing should not happen at all. Blaming players for lack of skill is one thing, blaming the sym with 16k damage gold medal victory is… odd to say the least


The salt is real :frowning:


Welcome to the club. I get blamed even more now while playing new Sym. People in diamond-GM will literally scream at me for just picking her in the select screen. And if one thing goes wrong, Guess WHOS fault it is.
I’ve given up on 2 gm sym onetrick accounts. One has been banned 2 times since syms rework (Not ONCE with 2.0) And the other one only has a 48% win-rate compared to my previous 72%.


The FEAR flankers had to have just in case they missed a couple turrets. I miss 2.0


Unfortunately, they were incredibly situational.

Unless the enemy was smart enough to use said mobility to stay out of range.

They weren’t, so they whined and complained, and got that unique ability taken away from Symmetra.

I dare say, that has more suction than a black hole.


That I think was the icing on the cake of her old kit. It was totally workable. Totally. I wonder what would’ve happened had Sym2’s kit received only tweaks first. It would’ve probably made her relevant and powerful, though probably still less good on attack than she currently is.

Six 1-hp 30-damage turrets that can be thrown… uuuuuuuunngghhh

Im so done with comparing 2.0 and 3.0. I liked both, and we all know blizzard is stubborn as hell with their reworks. I dont blame any of you for wanting 2.0 back but i really just want her to be viable already…


I do like the form of 3.0. I think it has great potential! And that this potential would be realized after a few necessary tweaks. I wouldn’t want to revert her. I’m typically against going backwards in game balance, even if it may be a good thing.

Symmetra continues to still definitely require a buffing to her M1. It’s still underpowered. Reduce it’s ramp up time by 1 second and it’ll help out the weapon, as well as reduce how long she has to expose herself.

Even when used ideally, where you can just fire at a giant tank (without armor) without missing and the enemy team can’t hurt you for whatever reason, five seconds of constant fire is 480 total damage. If you just charged and lobbed orbs at it (much safer to do), you’ll have done 600 damage. To end up having done more damage with your beam instead of just lobbing orbs, you’d of have to shoot for at least 8 seconds.

Who is just going to let you stand around and fire that beam for 8 seconds? Distance or close range, the orbs are superior. That’s a huge issue with the character and it needs to be addressed.


as long as you dont bring back autolock any primary fire buff could be good for her, yet i think giving her old balls as pf would do the trick

hey thanks for adding me to this! Im super passonate about symmetra so whatever we can get done, im happy to help with

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I do want it buffed to an extent, but the reason ive always been more okay with her beam than most sym mains is that i feel like its intended for you to switch between the two very frequently to maximize damage output.

Orbs deal your main chunks of damage, beam deals chip damage when its difficult to aim orbs (IE at mobile targets, thin midrange targets like moira)

and I know you may be thinking “its nearly impossible to track with level 1 beam”
and to that i agree, but dealing 20~ damage to a genji with beam is better than dealing 0 damage to genji because its so hard to land an orb.

My point being, beam definitely needs buffs, but i think it is intended for the two attacks to be used frequently together

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