[MEGATHREAD] Symmetra 3.0

Symmetra is still in a sour spot and it’s sad to see that apparently the devs think she’s fine


Honestly, I just miss her primary fires’ tracking. She feels really difficult to do damage with, especially if you played her prior to her rework. I miss being able to melt faces and counter flankers like Genji and Tracer.

It also doesn’t help theres no easy way to map a button to interact with her teleporter. To be honest, the fact you even need a special “interact” button seems like an oversight by the developers. It makes those of us who use a controller to play really dislike playing her or seeing her on our team. She’s just an inconvenient hero now


If a Rework like this was applied to, oh say most DPS heroes (Hanzo, McCree, Genji) there would be rioting in the streets. Symmetra 1.0 was good, for starting out in the Support pool. Symmetra 2.0 was markedly better but could use some improvements. Symmetra 3.0… WTF were “THEY” thinking?
This is kinda what the Mercy Rework did, but in REVERSE. Making Symmetra more of a Troll pick than she ever was.
I’ve played Symmetra since the Free Weekend before Release, an I have got to say that THIS Rework is the worst thing I have ever seen aside from the Mercy Rework and 14 Nerfs. Scratch that, it IS markedly worst.


Why? I play on console and the interact feature isn’t bad at all.

I would prefer (90/150/180). Symmetra’s beam has always done damage in multiples of 30.

Posted this in another thread.

Nah. That needed to go. There was nothing skillful about her old gun.


Let me guess, you think ONLY aiming is skillful. Not situational awareness or any other skills the game employs, just aiming. You like that kind of play, CS-GO is THAT WAY ===>
An I hate to tell you this, but Symmetra HAD to aim to begin with, so your comment is invalid. Next?


How is my comment invalid? Oh it differs to yours therefore I am wrong. Sorry, but Symm’s gun should never go back to where it was. It required no aim at all and outputted so much damage. No way. Aiming is skill, sure there are different aspects to skill. But you cannot deny, aiming is a pretty large factor when talking about skill.

You can’t just disregard that. It’s way more important that ‘situational awareness’. Symmetra’s old gun was easy to use, high reward and just the most annoying thing to get away from.


As I am also a person who obsesses over small details, I know exactly how you feel about that. But I think that this is a very unstable distribution. Also, 160 is NOT a multiple of 30. And if you meant 90/150/180, that makes the distribution too top-heavy. The reason I would suggest 100/140/180 is that you get consistent damage across the board (with the mean 66% accuracy).

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I meant 150. Sorry.

I wouldn’t disagree with you here. The objective isn’t for it to delete people, but for it to do something other than to barriers (literally everything shreds barriers nowadays). So I think either a more consistent damage table (with the same maximum) or a passive that grants shielding will help her a lot! Otherwise, why even bother having the primary?


Blah, blah blah, not listening are you? THIS GAME WAS FOR ALL PEOPLE, not just for those people who are great at shooting.

  1. Just like Mercy, “THEY” RIP apart Symmetra’s identity. No longer can you do long range Teleports. So much for having your entire team Back-cap the point.
  2. No one had troubles with Mercy or Rez till the Streamers complained about it. No one had problems with Symmetra’s lock on gun, but now THAT is gone. Probably because someone like xQc or Seagul doesn’t like lock on weapons [Reference Mercy].

Anyone else seeing a pattern here? Now, lets see… You hardly play Symmetra in Quickplay, an NEVER in Competitive. Yet we are to take your word over everyone else (an YEAH, I quit playing months ago). Yes, it was annoying to get away from, so is Junkrat’s grenades/mines, Widowmaker’s poison/head-shots, Zenyatta’s Discord Orb, Tracer getting on your tail and continually blowing you out of the water, etc. etc. etc. The list goes on and on, but if they changed THOSE Hero’s abilities to make them less annoying to other heroes, the Magic that MADE the hero GREAT (or at least in Symmetra’s case VIABLE) would be gone.
Take away Tracer’s ability to dash so much (change it from 3 to 1 dash), an she would be a lot less viable wouldn’t she?
Or just take away her Recall, OOPS not as easy to survive attacks or be as good at attacking.
Her Gun is what made Symmetra Viable and able to survive against flankers. Now you have to have pinpoint aim 90% of the time to even go from level 1 to level 2. McCree, to use another Hero (though it works with EVERY other DPS), doesn’t have that problem. If he misses 1 shot his next shot is STILL at full strength. Not Symmetra’s, the damage output drops immediately so she is less viable. It was 1 part of her identity, and it was taken away from her. Do that to any other Hero and people would blow up the forums, just like they did with Hanzo’s “Scatter” arrows. That is till the replacement for “Scatter” was found to be more damaging. Symmetra’s gun, nope the exact reverse happened it is harder to get the full power out of it so people are complaining about it. IF, like all other DPS, it started out at FULL Power, instead of having to ramp up like the original design of Symmetra’s gun has done since pre-release, then some of the complaints might go away.
BUT just like Mercy, Symmetra’s Ult has been put on her “E” ability but unlike Mercy it seems to have gone through the 14 Nerfs from the get go. It is buggy, it doesn’t have as much distance, it is very situational. No wonder so many people are complaining about this MESS of a Rework.


Don’t play symmetra - just some ideas I’ve had floating around in my head

Using teleporter give shields.
Up tele’s health.
Drop the cooldown for turrets by a couple of seconds.

New megathread? rubs hands together
Let’s do this baby.

I will say outright my main desires for Sym’s rework currently, what I feel would make her perfect, are the following:

  • Increase tickrate to 5 per second. (Zarya’s is 5.5, this would help Symmetra with consistency but slightly hurt her against armor. But considering she has a discount junkrat gun for alternate fire, I think thats a low price to pay)
  • Level 1 charge to Level 2 charge should only take 1 second, Level 2 to 3 should take 2 seconds
  • Decrease the cost for Photon Barrier by 200 points (For the amount of value is gives, it should cost less. its not a bad ultimate, but its value is very static)
  • Increase Symmetra’s HP to 250 (125hp/125 shields)

Also, quoting Stevo, “When your team doesn’t need TP Symmetra is underpowered… but when they need TP Symmetra’s overpowered as F***”


It’s a first person shooter. What did you expect?

Because lock on weapons are easy to use. They require no mechanical skill what so ever, and we need less easy heroes and more harder heroes. You shouldn’t get rewarded for holding M1. The only reason Brigitte is different is because she outputs little damage, meanwhile, Symmetra was dealing loads of damage.

Because I have good taste. But seriously, I don’t need to play Symmetra a lot to know her gun was annoying. In fact, you didn’t need to play her at all. All you needed to do was play against her. Lock on is never good, for any hero. Sorry, you have to aim now.

Why are you still here complaining about a change that happened ages ago then? Move on with your life.

Easily avoidable. There’s no escape from Symmetra once she’s locked on if you’ve got no mobility you’re screwed. Her range was ridiculous as well.

Widow’s headshots require aim. I don’t see Symmetra’s old gun requiring the same? Exactly. And you can easily avoid Widow’s headshots. Zen’s discord doesn’t deal damage to you, it doesn’t require much of a brain to realise when he discords you just go stand behind a wall for a couple seconds.

These are just terrible ‘examples’ to excuse the fact you want an easy lock on weapon. Well no. All the characters you stated above require at least some skill, old Symmetra? None. Everything was done for her. If you’re going to compare her to other heroes, at least make a decent argument. You’ve only managed to show me how ridiculous her gun was, and the fact you just don’t want to have to aim.

Because they were their primary weapons? Symmetra could have easily had a weapon change to a non lock her like EVERY other hero.

I don’t see why you’re comparing blink to a lock on weapon.

These are bad arguments.

No it wasn’t. It was what made her annoying. And she can survive against flankers, if you’re good.

Awww. So does every other hero. Get over it.

Yes, but again. He needs to AIMMM. And plus, he’s a hitscan. Symmetra has a beam. Making it 10 times easier to do anything. And once it gets to level 2, it outputs a lot of damage.

You are comparing Symmetra’s gun to random abilities. Every other hero needed to aim, so does yours now. Adapt or don’t play. Simple. She could use some buffs, but not to her gun. It’s time OW started being about skill, rather than luck and not having to have any skill to carry.


I think Sym would be fixed with a few buffs, but i’m not a Sym player. I think it’s weird that they didn’t even touch Sym after her re-release, seems like they are ignoring her or pretending she’s a non-issue.

Sym need some QoL changes and buff, I have some ideas to make her less clunky.

  • Up the live stats from 200hp (100hp/100s) to 250 (100hp/150s).
  • Reduce the casting time of the TP to 0.5 sec.
  • Give to TP more HP and amplify the interaction radius.
  • Make the beam more thick and change the lvl 1 damage from 60 to 90.
  • bring back the ticrate to 4 and make the beam no spameable giving a re-use time of 1 second, that will fix the exploit.

She really does need to have the Primary Weapon / Survivability issue tackled. If New Torb can tear butts apart instantly without having a 4 second ramp up and a near doubling of HP on demand, some just very minor tweak to Symmetra doesn’t seem that crazy.


In FACT, Overwatch is a HYBRID taking from FPS AND MOBA. At least that is what it was advertised at when released. But do go on…

Forget about Winston? Sure, his does require some aiming, but you are basically saying that people who are not as good at aiming with a Mouse (Older people, handicapped people) have no business playing this game…

Sorry, but that sounds like a cop out in my opinion.

So is having ticked off a Tracer and having her target you the rest of the match, but it IS allowed an even encouraged. Symmetra is more like Moria now, an I have no problem aiming with Moria. BUT OTHER PEOPLE DO. I am not going just from my perspective, but for everyone who plays Symmetra.

Why, because I actually liked this game till “THEY” decided to wreck Heroes that streamers don’t like. Mercy is one, Symmetra is another. I might come back one day, if “THEY” get their act straight and actually FIX heroes instead of wrecking ones that don’t match “THEIR” OWL expectations.

“Yes, it was annoying to get away from, so is Junkrat’s grenades/mines,”

Humm, OOPS you didn’t see that Trap around the corner and are now stuck. ‘DEAD’

“Widowmaker’s poison/head-shots”

Firstly, how would you know. You didn’t play her often. Secondly, you MISSED the poison. You’re low health, get just about to a health pack… ‘DEAD’

Let me guess, you are an xQc or Seagull fan? Certain things have “No place in a FPS.” BUT YOU FORGET, this is a HYBRID GAME, taking things from MOBA as well. At least that is HOW this game is supposed to be, seems that “THEY” want to change such a great game that allowed tons of different people to play a game they normally couldn’t (Older gamers, physically handicapped gamers) to a CS-GO knockoff. THAT, THAT RIGHT THERE IS WHAT I AM GOING ON ABOUT.
That is why I am still complaining about the Reworks (Mercy, Roadhog, Symmetra and Patches that hide problems like Reinhardt’s Earthshatter animation change) that are making VIABLE Heroes trash tier instead of fixing their problems.

That is ANOTHER problem, getting to Level 2. I notice you don’t play Moria/Zaria either, don’t like beam weapons? Beam weapons, by your logic, are easier. Fact is they are a lot harder to aim than your preferred Hero’s weapons because one little giggle and you’re off target an in Symmetra’s case she loses damage output. Tracer, Hanzo, McCree don’t along with Moria and Zaria. Since you do not play the last 2, it is hard for you to compare what these changes do to Symmetra, which is why (going back a bit):

(no it wasn’t, but that is besides the point)

You see thing ONLY from your perspective, like everyone, so I was using comparisons to show how changing YOUR preferred Heroes would make YOU feel. These changes have changed Symmetra and not for the better. Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes and you might understand how they feel. Yes, I am trying to compare Apples to Oranges, hit-scans to Lock-on beams, but how else are you gonna understand where I or anyone else is coming from if there is no comparison?
OK, lets put something in that you MIGHT (hopefully) understand, take away Soldier 76’s Ultimate, the EASY mode Aim Bot. VERY annoying, impossible to get away from, etc. But take it out of the game an there would be constant complaints about it. Now to you see where I am coming from, or are you gonna keep on saying that ‘This and That do not belong in a FPS’?