[MEGATHREAD] Fix Roadhog's Hook! (5 Cases, 18 Video Examples)

I just thought of how maybe they should revert the pull distance nerf. I remember back with hook 2.0 they made it to where enemies get pulled right in front of him, then they changed it so he had a harder time get his combo in as well. This was of course before his big nerf, so maybe this would give him better DMG :thinking: just a thought tho.


Yes you can,

But they’ve fixed the hook on the ptr (Thank God!!), you can try it there.

I queued for 4mins on PTR, and still no game… lol Is everyone dead? tf?

i wonder when that fix is going live

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Just like every other Patch, after a 6 Months break :slight_smile:

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Just quit playing this garbage game.

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They need to fix the hook.

Nice necro

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They still haven’t fixed his hook.