{MEGATHREAD} Console Players Still Feeling like 2nd Class Citizens. [400 likes, 1500 responses]

can we please get a response Blizz?? D:


Iā€™d love to see more community and communication with console players.


Has anyone on the development team ever stated why there isnā€™t a Deadzone slider in the game? Is it to ā€œcombatā€ mkb usage?

I really canā€™t get the controls in this game to feel good (in comparison to BF1, Titanfall 2 and Paladins), which is a shame, cuz itā€™s Overwatch I want to play :frowning:

How can we not have a reply yet?

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We never got an official reaponse regarding this. However everybody thinks itā€™s because of MKB users that we still donā€™t have the deadzone sliders which is a huge pile of BS. Xim users can actually modifiy deadzone sliders and customise settings however they want. So itā€™s in the end just affecting us controller users.

Thanks Blizzard i guess.

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As frustrating as it may be that thereā€™s no response yet, it makes sense. Thereā€™s a big angry community and they probably want to respond with something positive and meaningful which seems to be not possible at this moment.


The report system in this game is a joke. Text chat is used for toxicity 80% of the time and toxic trolls only get a slap on the wrist.

Text chat is like a posionious Apple. You think you want it because it looks so good but when you get it, you kinda wish you didnā€™t have it.

This comment was just so productive, so mature.
I really appreciate it, I meant it. Thank you so much for losing time writing that, making us lose time reading it.

It is a really good opinion. Full of potential. Full of knowledge. Wow.
Youā€™re very very very productive to the community. How could we never think about that?

Youā€™re a genius. Thank you for making my day.
Amazing point here. Fantastic.

Flag him.


Let me start this post with the statement in that I get where youā€™re coming from, donā€™t get me wrong.

But it honestly should not be taking them 4 months to respond to this. If it helps put things into perspective, I made the thread for this on the original forum on November 30th, 2017. The thread on the new/current forums (this one) is pretty much copy/pasted from the one on the original forums, just with updates made accordingly.

Itā€™s honestly better for them to be transparent with us and simply respond on the main Overwatch Forums and own up than to ignore us. And I made sure to be specific here so as not to take Reddit into account, where Bill Warnecke admittedly does quite a good job at responding to Console Players (massive props to him!).

The last time any member of the Development Team has responded to a thread trying to address Console-Specific concerns on the main Overwatch Forums was on January 18th, 2018. Since that response, they havenā€™t even been transparent to us in the very patch notes that they released. I was able to figure that fact out so quickly with the patch on March 20th because the first thing I did when the update finished on my Console was checking Options to see if they added anything new to Consoles. And I read the patch notes as well, taking notice that they left out those added controls (PTT and Toggle UI) since they were added to Console and were already available on PC.

So yeah, tl;dr: Consoles Players needs moar transparency with the devs
(intentional grammar and spelling error, but you know what I mean :yum:)


I see your point. And youā€™re right itā€™s like that situation where you never told someone that youā€™re sorry about something youā€™ve done. And the longer you wait, the worse it gets and awkward it feels to do so. And it gets to that point where you cannot even gather the courage anymore to do it because youā€™re ashamed.

Problem is, youā€™ll dtill have to face it at some point.
I would rather have them send us an apology and tell us that theyā€™ll make an effort to keep communications and transparency with us up more than just them being silent and bringing a few fixes at some point without wvwn twlling us theyā€™re working on somehing.

Most of our frustration doesnā€™t come because they are not fixing the problem, itā€™s because we donā€™t get any feedback, anything in that regard as a matter of fact. Weā€™re basically tainting walls with ā€œgraffitiesā€ on the forum and hope that at some point a person of auhtority will actually take the message seriouslyā€¦


Itā€™s better than lawless Console at the least. Also known as the 15 months we had to wait for the Report System, and thus there was nothing we could do about anybody breaking rules in Console-watch.

Obligatory checking to see if thereā€™s any Blizzard responses, being disappointed and posting my disappointment. Seriously though, this is super sad. Even less motivation to play anymore. Why bother when they seem to just be waiting until console gives up entirely. I wonā€™t be the least bit surprised if Overwatch 2 doesnā€™t come to console at this rate. At least weā€™ll have our answer to this thread when that happens.

I actually got a question in this regard! Has ANY of you actually gotten a response that action was taken and a guy was banned?

I report around 1-5 people per gaming session because of stupid meiā€™s who luterally just do anything they can to het in your way. Wall you when ulting keep walling you on chokepoints, or even walling allies against enemy ults. And no itā€™s not an accident because 6/10 times they even spam hello and spray and teabag you or your teammates.

Iā€™m sure I must have reported over 60meiā€™s by now and still nothing.

In comp I still even neet the same Meiā€™s on my and the enemy side. I have never lost matches with those meiā€™s on the enemy team and report them even when theyā€™re not on my team.

Report feels useless and a drag on console because typing your message is very time consuming( on a stupid controller at least).

I still do it but itā€™s like voting. You keep doing it and hope your vote will make a difference but we all know itā€™s not the case.

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Us consoles players, would like to see more feedback from Jeff Kaplan but we should keep in mind that blizzard is a game studio for PC, they have published their games to consoles (diablo, Overwatch) , maybe Jeff is only interested in the money. I like what HiRez is doing for the consoles community , support for Paladins eSports. Feedback on consoles, and HiRez have a partnership with Mixer, for stream smite and Paladins eSports.


Oh. Then there isnā€™t really a good reason to NOT have adjustable deadzones (I donā€™t think hampering control users to combat mkb usage is a very good reason in the first place, but atleast itā€™s a reasonā€¦)

Man, the control customization in Titanfall 2 should really be the industry standard for console fps games. Thereā€™s so much goodness there, like a visual representation of your aiming curve etc. Things like that would be really good in Overwatch, since it is a bit confusing with all the aim techniques in combination with the sliders (I will give the OW team props fƶr implementing those techniques and sliders tho; there IS a good bit of customization)

Oh, and while Iā€™m still rambling incoherently: I wish there was a way to change the sliders in increments of ten. Itā€™s a bit sloggy if you want to make big changes (hell, I remember back in the day when we had to speedrun the effing menus to not be booted for inactivity, haha).

Sorry for F-tier english.


I think at this point we all accept that Blizzard are not focusing on console, and if it is on the board to be done, it is way down on the priority list.

Almost every day there is a new cluster of players merging across from console. It sucks for you guys, and I know exactly how it feels having been a PC gamer for over two decades, Iā€™ve seen my fair share of ported games that never received support.

Best of luck, but at this stage I think youā€™re beating a dead horse.


This is sad but true.

The only possibility I could see for console to get back on their concern radar is to stop the flow of money coming fron console.
That means reduce the playerbase for a certain time so that they notice a difference (consensual boycotting like for x amount of days/weeks)
And completely cancel microtransaction purchase.

Once they see there is literally no cash flow from console and that they know itā€™s because weā€™re tires of being ignored two things will happen:

  • They will see how much income console can generate. Now if that amount is actually important and interesting, they might want that cashflow back and start negotiating.
  • they donā€™t care because they prefer focusing OWL and itā€™s not worth the effort to investbanymore into console.

One way or another it would give us a definitive response on their stance.
It sounds very extreme but up to npw Iā€™ve never seen a community get a devs attention just by talking. Only action can get things done. Look at SW Battlefront II, Destiny 2, Rainbow siege6, for honor.

All these games disapointed the community so much that words couldnā€™t get things done anymore, so they just left the ship to sink and got tired to put up with that garbage.

Result: all these devs made so much losses with their respektive games they completely overhauled their games and started actually listening to their community.
Do you remember how Rainbow went from least played game to a huge success?

At least thatā€™s my perspective on this at this point. If this keeps going Iā€™ll just give paladins anorher chance. They effed up badly and ruined the game as well: but the community left ship until they realised they had to work their way back up. Now the game has been completely overhauled and it looks fine again.

I would choose OW any day over paladins. But at least paladins devs listen to their community, console community I mean. Iā€™ll still be looking into OW sometimes and join for a few events if there are really good skins. But skins are not everything.

As long as comp matchmaking stays the garbage it is and as long as we consoles are ignored, Iā€™ll stop maining OW. thereā€™s a lot of other games that deserve attention and where devs actually invest time and effort for us:

Dbfz, MHW, Paladins. Regular updates, bug fixes and other stuff.

Tag me or send me a message if we actually get a response. But I think the internet will stop existing the day that happens. Our civilisation will probably be on the verge of death due to a nuclear war before devs actually take their time to respond to us.


Blizzard: Announces Overwatch World Cup and retweets Tespa Spring Series, both PC-only tournaments

Console Players: Still canā€™t get a response on the Main Overwatch Forums regarding concerns for the Console versions of Overwatch

ā€¦Yeah, like really. Thereā€™s no excuse Blizzard; we know you guys clearly have the time to respond to us, but you guys are intentionally choosing not to. Why is it that you guys canā€™t take a mere 15-20 MINUTES out of 1 DAY to respond to us Console Players and our concerns?

Itā€™s the LACK OF RESPONSES from you guys that will prevent this thread from dying. One single response is NOT, and NEVER WILL BE, a lot to ask for.


Oh boy. Another Blizzcon/World Cup with NO console representation. Even Paladins had a console tournament. Blizzard truly hates us.


Another great like-minded guy:

But of course, it gets locked (which Iā€™m guessing is because ā€˜blizzā€™ is in the title). All weā€™re asking for is that our concerns get addressed. So why canā€™t we just get a response from the dev team?