{MEGATHREAD} Console Players Still Feeling like 2nd Class Citizens. [400 likes, 1500 responses]

Personally, I think blizzard is now focused on the Overwatch World Cup, which means an answer is unlikely. I hope to god they respond someday though as the many things which are bugged or broken are making me insane.

Most of us have been playing for longer than that though, Iā€™ve been playing since the end of season 3, and up until about when Orisa came out(I think thatā€™s when they made the performance based SR changes to comp) the game has been slowly deteriorating, the only events I can really find enjoyment in anymore are Halloween terror and the Uprising portion of Archives

Has anyone else been having problems in comp where your teammates have really loud mics lately? Loud to the point your ears bleed? I know itā€™s not my headset because itā€™s only happening in Overwatch, if Iā€™m in a normal party chat or in game chat for another game, the mic quality for other people is normal, but it seems with the latest update the voice chat quality sounds like it was put through an earrape filter

Yeah I understand I missed out on some fun events and different hero abilities, but still this game is better than anything else out there, and thatā€™s not as a last resort, itā€™s one of the best games Iā€™ve ever played!

The voice chat was loud a few weeks ago, I think they fixed it at least for the PS4.

Well you play on a second class machine so it makes sense.

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Set chat volume to 50 or less. Blizzard messed up the sound on consoles last patch.


What is it with PC players always thinking theyā€™re better console? YOUā€™RE NOT!!

And I figured that out, it only seems like a PS4 issue

I LOVE the PC players and eliteistā€™s thinking they are better than everyone on console itā€™s hilarious.

How would you like it if it was the other way around people making fun of the way you play? What if you were second class citizens.

God forbid we can enjoy a game.


You realise the only reason they say that is to get a reaction. I find it funny that every time someone makes a PC is better comment, console players instantly react to the comment.

Just ignore it, donā€™t give them the attention they want.


I mean, they are. Play both and youā€™ll see. Game sense wise, sure, they are equal in the top end of the spectrum, although not on the low end. High silver to low gold on console is basically bronze on pc. Idk why, but thatā€™s what Iā€™ve seen from the different playerbases. As for mechanical skill, itā€™s not even a question. You cannot do what a pc player does using a controller. Its just not possible. The ā€˜bestā€™ mechanically skilled players on console are using xim4 anyway, meaning theyā€™re cheating, so they dont deserve respect. As for the rest of the console playerbase, the best may be able to come close, but they can never match a m/kb. People hit headshots easily on PC, while they donā€™t do it easily on console. Console is more about working with your limitations, not excelling with the best possible control. The aim on console is really bad for a reason, and that means console players also get away with things that even bronze pc players would punish. Its a very different game between them in that respect. Seriously, play both, and youā€™d agree too. Also, xim4 ruins the respect top 500 console players would normally get, because you canā€™t be sure if theyā€™re cheating or not. Thatā€™s just how it is. Accept it. Itā€™s not a big deal.

In my experience though, console is much easier to play than PC in a game sense way, but much harder in a mechanical skill way.

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Donā€™t mind me. Just bumping up so I donā€™t have to scroll back down next time I read this!!

No. Just because you are on a different platform gives you no right to criticize and make fun of others for choosing to (said) platform.

Remember when the devs actually replied to important threads? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Way too accurateā€¦

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I play on both pc and ps4. Iā€™m not making fun of anyone. I was just giving my impressions of the differences, and there are differences.

Uhhh 2 days with no more repliesā€¦ looks like the console community is giving up, losing their breath.

I admit I am slowly moving on. I just happen to time and again go through the forums on this specific topic. Lately itā€™s only been pc players taking a nĀ°2 and console player s reacting to it. My suggestion, ignore those replies and just keep talking about the actual topic at hand: issues on console.

I think the only salvstion for overwatch would be a switch port with gyro aiming. I just got one and damn is gyro aiming fun. And surprisingly the most accurate of all the aiming types! I would definitely play thatā€¦ if itā€™s on a 20dollar sale because bliuzard has definitely not deserved my money with their behaviour.

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Blizzard canā€™t program the game properly for the XBox, which is effectively running on Windows. What are the chances they can program gyro controls on a Nintendo proprietary system?

Sigh. Very cynical tonight.

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Might be because school is starting soon (or already has for some) so the lack of replies isnā€™t that surprising. Only reason I think this is because of the sudden loss or rescheduling of my coworkers, although I wouldnā€™t blame them for throwing in the towel trying to get any semblance of customer relations responses on our issues.

Also doesnā€™t help that the event doesnā€™t offer anything new to do from previous years, I logged in long enough to look for a skin I liked and then went and played Warframe.

Yea, the event is kinda underwhelmingā€¦ it didnā€™t offer enough new stuff, all the Legendary skins were revealed in advance(honestly, thatā€™s my biggest problem with Blizzard recently is theyā€™re taking the fun out of events by revealing everything on Twitter a week in advance) so my opinions were already pre-determined(Waveracer and Cabana are the best part of the event), I only spent $5 on loot boxes so far, and even with the fact I still had quite a bit of Hammond stuff left, Iā€™ve managed to almost complete the event through grinding, I just need the hog skin, and Iā€™d probably already have it if my job search werenā€™t going horribly, Iā€™ve applied at about 6 different places and not one has gotten back to me, and I canā€™t even get unemployment because I got fired from my last job due to a F*ckup I made, and my parents are stressing me out by forcing me to have a job by the end of the month. The only places I havenā€™t tried applying to are fast food because I respect myself too much to go that low

Wait, thereā€™s an event still going on?

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