{MEGATHREAD} Console Players Still Feeling like 2nd Class Citizens. [400 likes, 1500 responses]

We payed for overwatch, We don’t deserve this terrible treatment. We know you are ignoring us on purpose Blizzard, but all of your reasons to do that are absolutely terrible.


Some days I wonder if anyone on the dev team actually plays Overwatch on a console. It appears no one does. Not even occasionally to ensure product quality.


They’ve said and pretended they had a team doing so but that leaves me to wonder whether these giys have never seen a console and wouldn’t even notice a problem even if the problem vould actually talk to them or if they’re straight lying to us…


Wow still nothing… The outrage is growing you can feel it just from reading these comments. I find myself becoming “tilted” (I think that term fits perfectly) as I read the comments from passionate overwatch fans who genuinely​ do love the game and it’s characters and everything the overwatch universe has to offer, but for a major studio not to understand the needs of each platform they are engaging is shameful. Actions speak louder than words and their actions have been speaking the truth to us for quite​ some time hence the title of this thread.


Know what I would love to happen? An important member of OW doing an AMA. Jeff or Geoff or someone like that.

And we ramp up on him and ask him questions regarding console. Just to see what BS excuse they would come up with because even when cornered i’m sure they’d find an excuse for not doing it

It does suck that we kind of get shunted off to the side. I get why they want to focus on certain aspect above others: I imagine they have their hands full with the OWL.

But the fact of the matter remains that they said that they would push for different balances to fit each different platform, and only made a token effort with Torb way back in the day. It really does feel like they only said that to make a quick cash injection, and they just quietly ‘forget’ they ever said anything.


Unfortunately that’s what the torb sym changes were. It was literally just a stunt to make us believe we would matter just as much as console. It happened in the first month of the game’s release or 2d month at best. And then after around a year they increased the damage again a little but still let it inferior to PC damage. But seriously. 1 specific change in 1.5 years basically.

Wow. Thanks blizz. I’m actually at the point ( this happened almost abyear ago tbh) where I don’t even care or ask for console specific changes in terms of balance.

All I’m actually asking is a correct gameplay eyperience. Even a F2P like paladins managed to get us all the customisations we want for the mehanical parts! I can hange my deadzone settings, sensitivity, aim system, aim assist strength and pull, the acceleration of maximal turning speed without having to mess my general aim up!

Why can’t you guys do that? Is it really unfair of us to ask for something so basic as aiming customisation?

And actually having the same things PC players have? I knwi i’m repeating myself here but console Lucio is effectively inferior and has a lower (or higher, depending on if you consider it humanly possible) skill ceiling by not giving us the slider whether lucio can hold to crossfade. I haven’t compared all the customisations options pc have and console don’t that we actually could benefit from.

Another one is the FoV slider which would help us just as much as it does Pc players. I really don’t even understand the decisionmaking of blizzard in the process of what goes in console and what doesn’t!

It’s utterly frustrating! At least i can say, even if I enjoy it a lot less than i could enjoy OW, Paladins dropped a new patch which fixes their P2W system and is playable again. I feel like I’m about to burn out again. Every time that happens I go back to Paladins…

But it’s still so frustrating… OW could easily be hands high the best game there is, especially in its genre. But because they don’t seem to give a damn… console players should unite and create a strike day/weekend with nobody touching the game for 3 days to show our protest and disdain for them ignoring us. Just so they know how it feels as a console player to be ignored for basically 2 years.

Damn I’m so mad…


Just be a little more prompt in responding to your Console Players, y’know Blizzard?

Just some transparency is all we’re asking for. We want to know if you guys are truly trying to address Console Player concerns (I’m looking at you, M&K users on Console (and no, the response that Jeff gave for this 2 months ago doesn’t count anymore due to that being an ample amount of time), among others…).

But if you guys aren’t going to respond to us, then you can’t blame us for repetitively making posts trying to get these concerns addressed. Heck, Bill Warnecke does a great job in giving the Console Players responses via Reddit! So why is it that the rest of you guys can’t respond to your Console Players on the main Overwatch Forums?

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This is awesome. We definitely need a second communication wheel. Healers need to be able to say they just spawned to everyone who is saying they need healing from across the map. We need commands like Retreat! or “I’m about to ult” to help people combo. Most players don’t even join the voice chat so it doesn’t matter if I announce anything over mic.


There is so much LITTLE stuff Blizzard could do to improve immensely console experience. Here is a quick list without me even trying to explain as to why it’s necessary or good for console. I think I’ll post on reddit as well, I mean what the hell, maybe I’ll be lucky and get an answer there.
Here goes:

  • FoV slider
  • all the holds and trigger and other hero customisation options
  • inner deadzone slider
  • outer deadzone slider
  • maximum acceleration speed of fully tilted sticks
  • improved communication wheel: use codes instead of wheel ( see paladins for this one)
  • ability to mute easily your headset in game. Being able to switch between group and team and match comms.
  • integrate chat to game (only granting access to mini kb controller add on).
  • further aiming system customs.
  • possibilty/alternative to create specific macros to compensate for us not having specific shortcuts pc players do have.

I’m sure there’s other stuff I forgot to mention again. But only adding these would seriously take close to no time, make a whole chink of the community happy and ignore the forums… yet nothing…


1 month anniversary of the new forums is today…

…and we still can’t get a response with regards to Console-Specific concerns? Like, even just a response on Console-specific concerns seems to be too much to ask for.

Why is that?


Don’t shut up fellow console players.
Let’s keep raising our voices!


I just made another post regarding our position in the game and community. It’s mostly for entertainment purposes but I think it still contains a strong message, make sure to check it out!

The topic is called: Console community= Null Sector

I don’t know how to add links, sorry!


The original forum post had even more likes and posts and never got a response. I see so many responses to ridiculous threads, but they won’t even acknowledge this.

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Blizzard, does this have to become the top post to get your attention? This should have been addressed last year.

Well, we just got Push To Talk…

…Although, there’s still no full Transparency with us and it still is not shown in updates.


Wait, what? Is this in the patch notes?

That’s good, i can take that off my list now.

Of course it isn’t .-.

I logged on after the update to notice it on PS4 though (it should be safe to say it’s on XB1 as well).

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I completely agree with you. I really want text chat on console also i just wanna say gg and when i get an insane kill i want the enemy to go crazy on me or compliment. its just the little things.