Mcree needs a buff

This hero just have a gun, doesn’t have any abilities.

His distance damage is sad. You need like 4 or 5 shots to kill something meanwhile Widow or Soujorn just have to click once ( balance lol!).

His roll is mid, look at soujorn shift lol! balance!

The grenade is just a cope, everyone misses the flashbang stun… is like if they chop off Ana sleept dart, lol! Imagen dealing with flankers like Genji or tracer.

His Right click doesn’t make any sense anymore… it was supposed to be a follow up to the stun that doesn’t exist anymore, what is the purpose of this ability??? LOL

And the most important thing… hist ultimate is like… the worst ultimate in the entire rooster LOL… it charges super slow… sometimes it even misses LOL.

Mcree feels like it doesn’t have a spot in the game anymore, it’s just a gun, no abilities and no ultimate.

I feel like the balance team on blizzard just buffs things that aren’t popular, to make the pople play it, and the things that fans love get nerfed to the ground, because let’s be honest, they say every hero have like 50% winrate but that’s a huge lie if u know how rigged the matchmaking is in this game!!! LOL!!


Absolutely not, removing hard CC from base kits was the best change they’ve ever made. Cree is fine, it’s other heroes that need to be dialed back. One shots need to go, and damage and healing numbers need to be reduced. Hypermobility needs to be scaled back. Everything they add just increases the ADHD simulator they seem to be working toward. Infinite sustain should never be a thing, but that’s only a problem when you have too much healing and too many ways to mitigate damage.


They just have to get his stun back
It will make the game better for evryone

Dive hero are too strong, game is worst than ever but blizzard will take 2 years to react.

The McCree buff was no more dub shields


OW2 Mcree feels far better to play than OW1 Mcree

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not one person misses flash bang that was the most broken thing in the game a AOE stun that locked your momentum and cancels abilities, stop with this, he was so over powered since he got that HP buff YEAR’s ago in OW1.

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Cass is still very good for close to mid range. He has an “I win” button for anyone that gets near him, body shot and a sticky nade is all you need. He still does a high amount of damage, and his ult is a great zoning tool for closing out on check points, getting an extra tick, etc. Imo, I think he’s fine.


Cas is def good for what he’s designed for: close range hitscan. His nade is a lol i win button too vs any flankers. He’s currently the best hitscan peeler in the game. He just isn’t as good as ashe or widow for poking and he needs constant healer attention to function a lot of the time. But his bigger health pool helps with that. His roll is kinda lackluster is all imo. They could give it iframes instead of damage reduction but then he’d be stupid busted in some situations.

it makes me giggle like a lunatic every time i stick genji with a body shot and he runs around a corner to die

It’s a great feeling haha

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I was going to say, I main McCree and I think the reason I am loving comp now is because there is no more double shield. The amount of cheeky plays I have been able to make with flanks or just not having to shoot into shields while the whole enemy team is behind it is fantastic.

Sure it sucks not having a flash bang anymore, but the amount of times that I have peeled to help out my healers or the other DPS against a flanker and they try to run away so I just throw that sticky on them like nah you are already dead. It just hits just right.

and you can do hello emote to add aditional emotional damage to the genji before he exploded

As comical as this is, it’s not far from the truth.

No shot….

When compared to damage boost, Mei left click or Sigma and ball?

Kinda yeah….

But flash bang was way more consistent. And at least gave DPS a way to control the game when teammates wouldn’t support each other.

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I 100% agree. He is one of the worst dps in the game right now. Same goes for Hanzo.

In Ow2 beta Sombra had 45% winrate and they Gigabuffed her.
Cree had 47% winrate and he got nothing.
Its again another forced meta from Blizzard.

There is no reason to play Cree when you can go Ashe or Widow or even Soldier in some situations.
But they are also all outclassed by Sojourn.

They should just give him a little bit faster firerate.
Not the machine gun Cree from 2 years ago. Just a tiny bit faster.

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i treat his right click as a shotgun. impactful agains tankers like hog when you need to kill fast so he cant regen fast enough.

the grenade is intended for flankers. just need a good timing to throw it, like after genji deflecting, tracer use her teleport, moira after shifting, etc.

the ult, since less people using rein, its easier for him. getting 2-3 low healeth enemies is already good enough.

He needs a good aim skill to be rewarding. When you do, you can carry the whole team.

Cassidy needs the stun. It was the counter to tracer, sombra, any flanker and I’m pretty sure those flankers gave Cassidy respect. Now, Cassidy is a weak pick I think with no real counter to flankers and when Ash is one of the best picks with a way better kit, just use here instead. I personally think there need to be more stuns from dps to counter flankers. I play a lot of Sombra and there’s just not much to counter to me other than forcing me to translocate or staying grouped up and then you wait for my return. And the Tracer and Genji mosquito Cassidy had the stun grenade for is gone so that was a huge counter! It’s like every new character made is just an improvement on old characters making old ones kinda obsolete.

This is very true unfortunately.
But I am sure they will not give him his stun back…
guess he will stay useless now until they give him an op buff like 250hp or machine gun Revolver again :joy:


I had a Cassidy come up to me once, a lonely Reinhardt. I thought, heh, I’ll just kill him right quick. He right clicked me, okay. Then he rolled and right clicked me again, cute. He then ulted and I thought, what? Then he canceled that and right clicked me again. I was dead.

i agree that he WOULD be fine, if not EVERY OTHER dps being superior.
he has the worst broken bugged ultimate in the game.


he outplayed you all the while having a random kit that doesn’t actually sync or work properly anymore. the ult reloads your gun. so a good mcree player. never uses their ult. only to reload. which proves he is actually a broken functioning hero who needs a rework and their ultimate to be remade

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