McCree's name changing does nothing for the victims

As a victim of attempted r***, this does nothing to help anyone. This is an idiotic decision that is designed to blind everyone into thinking Blizz cares. They don’t.

As a victim, I don’t want everyone named the same as the person as the man who forced himself on me to change their names. I don’t care that there is a Final Fantasy character with the same name. I don’t care because not seeing the name does nothing to change the fact that I was traumatized by the experience.

If Blizzard actually cared, they would give everyone free therapy instead of doing something as minor ad this. They would try each culprit CRIMINALLY - not civilly like they’re doing. These men deserve jail time, yet all they get is a fine. Lovely. If Actiblizz actually cared, they wouldn’t shred evidence. They would fess up to their mistakes are remove EVERYONE involved ASAP.

No. Instead, they shred evidence, threaten employees into silence, and decide to change a character’s name for brownie points.

This is a trick. Don’t fall for it. They are doing this to drive attention from the real issues.


How many times must this be said: The Overwatch devs do not want to have a character that is a Hero be associated with an alleged abuser? And might I add, maybe people have been in negative contact with the abuser and now are happy to have him removed entirely?
The Overwatch team has nothing to do with the criminal activity of the WoW team and the HR that is now accused of being destroying evidence.


Take off the tinfoil hat.

This is a decision made by OW employees, the leaders of whom are fully behind some of the recent efforts made by the ABK workers group. Some of those involved with the decision making could very well have been the victims here (or knew personally people that were). This is a decision that has obviously been discussed extensively within the team, evident by the length of time the OW team has been publicly silent.

Any notion that this decision was done purely with the public in mind is ridiculous.


This is just PR stunt to drive attention away from the document shredding.


I’m speaking from experience with dealing with this crap. Anyone using even one of the collective six wrinkly braincells left on these forums knows that this does literally nothing to help anyone. They should try to actually help the victims instead of ignoring the issue entirely. Hiding it from them won’t make it go away.


Supposedly a few workers broke down in tears at the mention of Jesse McCree. The cowboy in game.

How many times do we have to explain it is a poor justification for changing the name? They didn’t care, people made an issue out of it because it was easy quite frankly and “symbolic”.

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Then Actiblizz should pay for their mental help. THAT would show me that they actually care about their employees.

But they aren’t, because this is just to make everyone THINK they care.

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I mean I am not a blame the victim type, but if you are a functional adult with at least an average IQ and cannot distinguish your feelings for an in-game character with a name for someone later to be found out to be a cad of sorts, you have some growing up to do quite honestly.

Women accept children and love them born from rape in the real world even, I am finding it very hard to honestly think anyone really found serious offense in his name over there. It’s mainly a PR ploy. What this really shows is again lack of respect for the actual players, and its all about them, business as usual.

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Oh of course not. This is on Actiblizz for taking the selfish road instead of the moral road. This ain’t on the victims. Wasn’t their choice for getting assaulted.


You have absolutely no idea what is happening at the company, nor do you have any idea of the steps they may be making internally to aid & assist it’s employees.

If the name is one that upsets Blizzard employees, it is not one that should be associated with the game or company. Removing it is the right thing to do.

Again, this is a decision made by the employees themselves, some of these people were the victims. This is a decision made to make them feel more comfortable in their jobs. That is what help looks like.


I have yet to read a single account of anyone stepping forward to make an issue of it, have you? So far it all appears “presumed”.

Now in retrospect, ever naming a character after a person is asking for trouble. FWIW, Vivi’s adventure and look is modeled after a dev’s daughter. Now, when she grows up to be serial killer we will have to change the in-game logo :laughing:

Microprose (yesteryears Blizzard) used the name Max Remington for a secret agent, when in reality it was just one of the employees names. Things hadn’t gone off the deep end yet back then, I’d be surprised if he even had to sign a waiver.

I would know what help looks like. Cuz I got help. Help is rehabilitating them so they can function without crying at the name “Jesse McCree”. Helping people function in their regular lives is way more important than molding the world for them.

You should teach people how to function in the world. You shouldn’t teach the world how to function for them.


Was Jesse McCree accused of Rape?? :open_mouth: wtf I only heard about sexual harassment

This forum is a nightmare lol, a constant reminder to never entertain the idea of a political game. The top treading posts have nothing to do with fantasy of the game… what a breakdown.

All I gotta say is sorry bad things happened to you, and yes real action is always better than half hearted activism.


I do agree with you that this is a PR move.

The individuals WILL be treated criminally, but that’s not Blizz’s job it the job of the local law enforcement!

They will get all the evidence they need. The document shredding is a bit weird, companies shred documents all the time - but the investigation has been going on for a couple years so they will probably have all the evidence to convict certain people (unless they have been very careful).

No one is falling for it lol. It’s Blitzchung all over again. The correct people will be fired/get charged and Blizz will move on and continue making greats games. :smiley:

That’s why I said if.

I’d much rather believe that the name causes some workers distress over some crackpot internet theories.

Again, I just think if you are a functional adult, you can distinguish your feelings here. Not everyone has as twelve year old’s emotional intelligence level. In fact, most are well above it but we keep using this level as a sort of baseline currently.

That’s the thing. They’re only facing a civil lawsuit. There are actually not being tried criminally. At all. It’s really disgusting.

To be fair, Activision does not have a clean track record.

I would say expect the worst from them specifically.

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If there is enough evidence individuals will be taken to court on criminal charges. They are suing the ‘culture’ of Blizz and targeting the business name for money/exposure.

You can’t can’t (effectively) charge a company on a criminal charge of sexual assault, it makes no sense. It would require Blizz to be guilty of sexual assault when 99% of employees had nothing to do with it. They can be charged with not ‘helping’, sure, (and various other HR related crimes) but aside from monetary payout/brand damage, Blizz won’t suffer through this.

I don’t know about Activision’s past tbh - but most companies are like this, this isn’t special! Either way… It’s a LONG stretch to say that ANY of this has anything to do with a character’s name…

Finally someone else calls it out

Doubt it since the OW team has nothing to do with the lawsuit and no one has actually said that officially so it’s a bunch of speculation