Mccree Nerf Tomorrow

Need a matrix to keep those 'nade off ya? ; )


roll revert, FB AoE radius to 2 meters and its maximum range down to 5 meters and fth down to 45-270. we’ll see where that takes us.

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Finally after 5 years of OW, DPS players are doing the things that every Tank players has always requested: push with them and help taking down enemy’s barriers.

When DPS players stop throwing they still get called out for being OP XD


Echo and Tracer are fine to me (I’m a healer main, just so you know I’m not just defending what I want to play lol), both have counters and you can work around them.

Hanzo when I’m on tank? He’s worse than McCree. At least he’s not auto-nuking my shield that takes forever to charge. My god, that dps on Hanzo’s scary af…

Personally, if tanks weren’t just insta-killed because their team literally refuses to group up, I’d play it a hell of allot more.
But I’d rather hang back and heal, and stick with my tank so they at least have someone with them; because I know what it’s like to constantly have no one assisting you.

Any time with pleasure :v::heart:

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Hey everyone, I think it is time for a "how to use overbuff" thread Read the winrate section.

No matter how strong he is or becomes, Mccrees low winrate is to be expected. It’s not a sign that he isn’t overpowered.


Don’t read this forum bot posts, your mind will explode with bad stuff. (Ignored content)

There is no logic behind this. Explain if you can. If hero winrates are low that means he do not define match outcome.

LOL your really using winrate as an excuse? your super sad


Two words: Mirror comp


Winrates aren’t just a simple measurement of wins vs losses. They are weighted based on many factors such as hero playtime in a match.

Heroes that are common counterpicks, such as Mccree, are swapped to so have a lower playtime. This deflates their winrates.

Think of old Sym with her 60% winrate while being trash. That was because she was swapped off qucikly when the strat didn’t work. That inflated her winrate. She’s the opposite of Mccree.

There is more to it than that, feel free to read the link I gave you :man_shrugging:


Careful with McCree now. Remember how trash he was before he got buffed.

I play Doom and Ball so you can imagine how much I hate him, but it’s not like flash+FtH is a new thing.

Adding a low cd for FtH so he can’t melt tanks and barriers should be more than enough imo. Maybe reduce the stun duration just a tad or get rid of it and give him a cool anti-flanker ability.

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I use it as argument, excuse more look like your post about nothing in it.

but why it touches cree only, I see many heroes in even more op state, bap for instance, 8 pickrate with 54 wr, also mirrored
Rein with 10 and 55
These two are actual influencers.
Tracer with freaking 4% and 54!

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Yes, they all average at around 50. Boom.

there is a big difference between 52 and 54 wr
between 7 and 10 pr
10 pr - ~55 wr rein
7 pr - 52 wr cree
if logic exists - as more pick as less win (closer to 50) if mirror comp is a reason
Also diversity in damage roster much higher, so chances for mirror is lower on it.

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Iv’e stopped playing this game now for a week and don’t really look back.

I’ll only come back when McCree gets some huge nerfs

Also McCree defenders in this thread very cringe as always


Usually when people say this, it isn’t by a margin of two percent. The dps roll has more heros, so pickrates are always lower. And, as for tracer? She’s always had good stats, except for maybe one meta.

Yis, I have said “bruh” multiple times now, yis.

that what came in my head

That’s why mirror theory is irrelevant.

So I can give a sense to my 300 h on Reaper instead to feel that time wasted since they kept buffing all his counters-