Mccree Nerf Tomorrow

I use it as argument, excuse more look like your post about nothing in it.

but why it touches cree only, I see many heroes in even more op state, bap for instance, 8 pickrate with 54 wr, also mirrored
Rein with 10 and 55
These two are actual influencers.
Tracer with freaking 4% and 54!

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Yes, they all average at around 50. Boom.

there is a big difference between 52 and 54 wr
between 7 and 10 pr
10 pr - ~55 wr rein
7 pr - 52 wr cree
if logic exists - as more pick as less win (closer to 50) if mirror comp is a reason
Also diversity in damage roster much higher, so chances for mirror is lower on it.

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Iv’e stopped playing this game now for a week and don’t really look back.

I’ll only come back when McCree gets some huge nerfs

Also McCree defenders in this thread very cringe as always


Usually when people say this, it isn’t by a margin of two percent. The dps roll has more heros, so pickrates are always lower. And, as for tracer? She’s always had good stats, except for maybe one meta.

Yis, I have said “bruh” multiple times now, yis.

that what came in my head

That’s why mirror theory is irrelevant.

So I can give a sense to my 300 h on Reaper instead to feel that time wasted since they kept buffing all his counters-


But it isn’t, because it’s rush meta, and mccree is good in rush (tho he shouldn’t be), so he’s chosen more then the other rush meta members (reaper, doom, Mei)

It is double bubble meta more like (winston+zarya), but rein is been played as you can see, cause it is ladder where meta exists more in minds than in actual games.

Yeah, never say never pal, time will come for our “angels of death” :sunglasses::metal:

He wasn’t trash, a good McCree was able to play and keep enemies in check…

now you can’t even say who’s a good McCree or a bad one…

since even people at higher ranks do fth to assure a kill or breack a shield… (the cree role right? shield destroyer… -_-)


Question: is McCree essential and a lynch pin in the current Metas? Is he what causes the Metas.

Or does he just fit well into the Metas?

Shouldn’t we touch the Meta-defining characters first?


that’s right
I wonder how ppl start overthinking about actual statistical numbers. when it is clear to see (speaking about winrates) then don’t think about what is needed to understand, like you described in your op about meta defining factors and roles.

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I genuinely cannot get a game, no matter the game mode without running into him. If that’s not meta defining I don’t know what is. You can argue that rein zar being meta enables him, but considering its getting to be very common to see both supports hard pocketing their mccree, it’s pretty obvious it’s starting to revolve around him. He can keep his flash garbage to continuing gatekeeping the high mobility issue characters like ball tracer and doom. The rest can all go.

More often than not, games are just coming down to whoever has mccree & rein win, or whoever has the better mccree and rein win. And it’s just boring garbage.

And he “fits well into the metas” because he takes over every niche characters role, and performs better than them in said role. He out shield breaks & out tank stomps reaper. His hand gun is more than keeping up with ashes RIFLE at range. His damage is more reliable than most dps characters due to being hitscan, fast fire rate and combined with CC that reduces aiming requirements. He doesn’t have a strong enough weakness right now, and it’s a problem. Something in his kit needs to bow out to make room for other dps.

And inb4 “hEs wEaK tO dIvE”, no he isn’t. He’s no more weak to a coordinated dive than any other character in the game. Hell he beats out most other dps against dive. If you compare a monkey diving a solo widow to a solo mccree, there’s no competition.

But for real, anything to divert attention off the most busted character in the game right now right?

More of an OT main at the moment if I were to pick something and when I DPS I usually Tracer but nice try projecting how you think these arguments work though. Honestly McCree is probably my 4th or 5th most picked DPS of the past 4-5 months just because he is basically only really great if you cant pick the better option and often I can pick the better option.

Now to deal with the rest of this argument. If you are playing Reaper for shield break you are not going to win. That is not what he does well (even McCree is not top 5 at it just dont do it or just dont pick Reaper).

As for Mei I am often happier to see a Mei than a McCree simply because she creates problems whereas McCree flash usually just takes advantage of a lower-skilled player thinking “hey let me position myself terribly”. Mei MAKES your position terrible whereas McCree just punishes a bad decision. I would rather have the hero who creates opportnity.

Also if I see Pharah/Echo (or Pharah in general) I am usually pretty happy because any hitscan I pick will basically keep them in check. McCree is better though because his ideal positioning is closer to the team which is actually what you want to avoid Echo flanks not because they are better AA (Ashe and Widow are MUCH better at that).

Basically you made a long rant with a bunch of inaccurate demonstrating that your entire worldview on balance is based on a lie.

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To him probably getting another 25hp because you just dumpstered a hero.

how is that dumpstering him lmao, his FB radius is too forgiving and his fth is broken

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Ahh yes, the 18m of space where he can comfortably roll flash fan to delete something is definitely just the enemy “positioning badly”, but sure, go off.

Reaper is still a decent shield breaker, and from a tank busting perspective, mccree is beating him out in every way.

And I openly admitted that my view of balancing with mccree is skewed. Because I despise him and im freaking done with him as a character. I’m done with the aim elitists defending him when he’s by FAR the easiest hitscan to get value from.

I’m sick of having to see him in every SINGLE GOD DAMN GAME NO MATTER THE GAME MODE.

And it’s not just me dude. There are a LOT of people on here that have quickly begun hating him.

Good. The game will be one step closer to actually being properly balanced. Stop defending him. If high rank players are even calling him out as being too strong, then you know something is wrong.

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