Everyone complains about mei, but jesus christ can we tune mccree down already?
I’m sick of getting flash fanned. I’m sick of getting popped in the head by his stupid Gatling gun speed left click. It’s almost impossible to react to the second shot if he’s got decent enough aim. He’s got such little counter play right now. You can say keep away from him all you want, but there are points to capture, payloads to defend; there’s always a time when you’re forced into his optimal range. He’s in every God damn game I play, I’m not even exaggerating. I’m so so so sick to death of versing him. Even outside of comp, there’s GUARANTEED to be 5+ mccrees in every single deathmatch.
Hurry up and nerf his fire rate so he can get the survivability buffs he’s needed for so long. At this point I don’t care if you make him Thiccree, just make him more bearable to vs.
I just don’t get it blizzard, your community cries out that survivability is the biggest issue for his kit, so you tune up his dps potential to ridiculous levels instead?
can confirm, even in qp and qp classic there’s always a mccree.
What hell looks like
he’s a dps he’s supposed to be good at killing.
and btw, mccree is not even that good he’s just the only dps available right now that isn’t hot garbage because of all the whiners getting all dps nerfed.
I’m mostly getting annoyed because he’s becoming the new Moira - every mode, every match, he’s there.
This hasn’t been changed and it does not make him broken.
It’s not impossible, you know what is impossible, reacting to one shots. If McCree is broken then so are all characters who can one shot, so nerf them all.
He shoots a litte bit faster than before, it’s not “ridiculous levels”. I do wonder why they didn’t even try the 250hp McCree, they just scrapped it entirely.
And im completely all for that too. They buffed him to ridiculous levels so that he could attempt to compete with against one shots, but clearly didn’t factor in how overbearing he’d be against every other character that can’t.
Like I love sombra, but it’s impossible to duel him even when he’s hacked if he’s got passable aim.
Before the buff he was trash tier, if they revert the buff he goes to trash tier again. If they just nerf it a little bit, like a middle ground between how it used to be and now, I don’t think it will make much of a difference to be honest, a good McCree is still going to wreck you it’s just going to take a millisecond more.
The only way I see them changing him is going for the 250hp buff if they want to fully revert his fire rate, because they can’t just throw him to the garbage again, he has to get something in return.
Commonly picked and “over powered” are two very different assertions.
Lol , the dps need nerfs (especially mcree and Mei Support and tank feel helpless at certain ranks because of nerfs
1-Mccree can’t one shot you.
2-His ult isn’t broken
3-He has little to no mobility at all
4-He’s easy to dive
5-He can’t flash you if you are not close to him
6-Fan the hammer is a part of his kit, deal with it
7-His footsteps are really loud and easy to hear
8-If you don’t have a pocket healer with you you’ll have a hard time getting kills
9-He’s basically a free kill to any Doomfist or Genji if he doesn’t have his Flash or Roll
10-His hit box is bigger than most dps heroes
I can keep going if you’d like!
McCree is balanced. He has strengths and weaknesses. Switch to heroes that exploit his weaknesses and you’ll be fine.
1- Okay fair
2- It’s actually broken (terrible)
3- His compensation for zero mobility is pure fantastic offense
4- Not exactly
5- Just never be near him or dive him 4head
6- The dumbest thing I have read in this month.
7- Footsteps are still hyper bugged.
8- Try watching Oxin. Or Vince. Or Fary. Or any good Mccree ever.
9- Doom, sure. But he’ll just save Flash for Doom. Also picking Genji is throwing.
10- True
you’re clearly a low elo player by saying this.
tanks are the carry heroes right now.
That’s what happens when you buff a hero nearly every patch for months on end.
Someone on the dev team must really like him.
Pretty funny how in deathmatch McCree is always 1st choice even looong before Roadhog, a tank that can heal himself up every few seconds and can one-shot most heros in the game…
He can keep flash OR fan
Not both
This game has way way too many cheap instakills and they all need to go
There is probably more in those modes specifically because he is casual bait. Most people who want to climb probably noticed their McCree winrate was booty.
Fixed that for you.
Look at Zarya’s fricken GM stats lol. She’s a better DPS than any DPS.
They tried that on the PTR a bit over a month ago, he became a hard throw-pick.
He’s stronger in deathmatch than he is in other modes, this is irrelevant.
As he should, McCree has always countered Sombra. Sombra has never been good at dueling anything that relies on primary fire instead of abilities. Even a Soldier should win against Sombra while hacked in 9/10 cases.
McCree is wrecked by pretty much all heroes that out-range him, he’s not hard to counter.