McCree Buff Roll Reset on Elimination

I saw this suggested on a “Your Overwatch” video and I liked it.

Why not give him a new barrel roll on elim so he can get some more movement and get rewarded for hitting shots and keep shooting. I small change that could make a big difference at times.

What do you think?


I can see him fth,roll,fth,roll,fth,roll. Oh god.


I honestly always liked the idea of this as he is the only offencse hero that lacks a decent mobility. If this ever did become a thing I would image that they would either completely remove or nerf the amount of ammo you get when you roll (like 3 or 2 per roll) as a good Mccree could just be rolling all over the place having no worries about having to reload.


Make it where the 2nd roll doesn’t reload the gun.

He doesn’t have mobility for a reason. I don’t like the buff ideas that ask for movement abilities. That’s not only against his playstyle it’s covering his weakness


Well I’m not really asking for movement abilities really just a reset on the ability he already has. Rather than trying to rework him or something just a little buff. If he does not hit anything than hes not getting anything at all.

All he does is shoot than lets keep him shooting.

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We can buff Mccree After we make Bastion playable again.

And Only After.

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I don’t think you would see it that much since it requires a kill and does not refresh flash bang. fan the hammer is only good at point blank targets like tanks or stunned models so I don’t think that’s how it would go.

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I would think that it could be balanced if said passive resetting combat roll was on a cooldown of 10 seconds.

McCree is already in a great spot

Dont fix what isnt broken


Why? Bastion is strong hes just very niche and requires team help. Unless you want to take away his turret mode I don’t think he will ever be different than that. I think hes fine.

Another option would just be to allow him to build two roll charges like Junkrat’s mines.

I would be fine with that also. I just like the idea of it being skill based a little more.


If you won’t let us attempt to fix ourselves, Just let us DIE ALREADY.


Not just team work… An Entire team, Built ONLY Around YOU.
Just to make Bastion “Almost Viable”

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Keep rollin’, rollin’, rollin’…

I agree with you. Bastion needs help. But this is a McCree thread so we should probably take that discussion into its own thread.

Oh, i see you haven’t heard of this thread:
[Bastion is being forgotten]

We have been Discussing Bastion for Like, Over a year now.
With Zero official Responses, i might add.

The point i’m making in THIS Thread is, Mccree needs no Changes at this moment.
There are heroes with an Overall Pickrate of 0.53%.

And it seems like if i don’t talk about it, no one actually will. ;-;
Since everyone seems to hate Bastion, nowadays.

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I think the fact that you’re using a completely unrelated thread to push your own agenda is what was being gotten at :sweat_smile: No offense, but the fact that I’ve seen not one post of you not talking about Bastion concerns me slightly.

As to the actual topic at hand, I think this isn’t a bad idea. The Fan The Hammer, Roll, Fan The Hammer, Roll repeat move is probably preventable considering how much close range options, CC or otherwise, are available right now. You have my vote for this McCree buff.

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McCree is like 90% there. Bastion is really only 10%.

Personally? I don’t think he needs whats OPs suggetsing. He does need something, but I’d prefer Hits = lower CD on flashbang. For every hit he lands it decreases it by a second. 6 shots = 4 seond CD. That way he’s rewarded for aiming and rather basing it on his mobility, it’s based on his offense capability. Soldier already has the defensive capability, McCree just needs to be rewarded for landing his shots.

Instant reload if the 6th bullet is a headshot.