Maybe try Sym healing turrets now

Soldier has healing.

Maybe let her use these healing turrets along with her damage/slow turrets right now.

Imagine TP bombing with healing turrets. Help you sustain while you pick off the back line.

Like having your own pocket.


Turrets would be destroyed very quickly, unless they have a lot of health.

Current TP bomb is already quite niche due to how fragile turrets are. It only works if you catch the enemy off guard. And if you catch them off guard, there’s no need to be healed.

I also doubt they’d want to keep Teleporter the way it is now because of the flanking play style. Flanking = not healing.

With that being said, I’d love to try out healing turrets with another primary way to heal. A healer rework would either be very poorly done or be very fun.

Due to hardlight technology, the possibilities with her kit is quite literally endless.

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Look your not gonna convince some people.

Because some people are just stuck in a tunnel, unaware of the ceiling above them.

Your just gonna have to wait, till Sym Healer enters ExC.

And show them the comparisons.

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Yeah I feel like there are some people that are completely against a healer rework without even getting much information on said rework.

To me, that’s just as bad as the people hating on Overwatch 2 despite the limited information surrounding it.


Yeah, met someone yesterday who thought Sym had 6 turrets still.

I think Bad is a understatement at this point.

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That would clash with their damage design. Besides tp bombs are a niche gimmick not something meant for you to rely on

Reminder: Sym isn’t used for her Damage, she is used as a Taxi. (Support part of her kit)

Then is switch out to a real DPS. (like Tracer or Widowmaker)

(That’s really it.)

if they turned the turrets into healing drones you could cast on teammates, then i think it could work

They are likely going to do Healing turrets and something else healing.

Likely something between Moira and Bapt, kit wise. (my guess)

Also point out one of the Sym mains pushing for DPS Sym, dies an avg of 7 times in 10 mins as Sym…

That’s not actually quite good stat for a Specific DPS main.

(There avg Dps is not high either)

I’m not talking about making her a support. I’m talking about if she had them right now.

They don’t work in a fast paced game like ow
https ://

yeah you like to bring that up. You also made a thread about how you’d never played Sym 2.0. The turrets they were talking about were her old turrets. She had to manually place those close to a wall or floor.

Not the throwable turrets that are currently used “in a fast paced game” called Overwatch.

Quote exactly where you said they wouldn’t be throwable

They weren’t. They said about the healing turrets well before experimenting with throwing turrets when she was being reworked. You can probably still find it on the old forums.

The old forums were closed. Sorry for the waste of time due to my misunderstanding. I just really hate the idea of losing the microwave

Continuing the discussion from Symmetra Rework: Defense or Support?:

So that’s what I mean. Maybe try healing with throwable because they never did.

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except flanking is a large part of what makes sym “sym”. like even if we look at old sym, the way she got active value, esp on attack, was to sneak behind and take out the enemy supports.

you can legit say the same about people in favor of a support/healer rework. lack of information goes both ways :man_shrugging:

if blatant incompetent balancing (e.g. infinite tp neutering her mobility and burst combo on a shorter ranged squishy hero) is a valid reason to completely redesign a hero into a different role with like a 90 degree turn on gameplay, then there’s a lot of off-meta, out-powercept heroes that fit the bill.

Yeah Mei.

They talked about switching her to tank

The only way I can see it working without being awkward is by making it somewhat like Moira’s orb.

Though I do think DPS Sym with healing is a neat idea.