Maybe Pink Mercy isn't coming back

I hope Pink mercy to be back :frowning:


The difference is Komen has 20% of the money going to research, and 80% to overhead costs.

Where as BCRF has 80% going to research, with 20% overhead costs.

We have no plans to bring it back is PR speak for it is not coming back, but we are not going to be definitive about it, because people suck and thats why we cant have nice things.

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Falcon what does this have to do with anything when they ran it through the BRCF and weren’t sued previously?

There were about nine hundred thousand accounts that purchased the skin

and many many more who wish to do so

To paint every last one of them as just “collectors” is…I lack the right words here. an impossibility, perhaps? I absolutely concur that some of them are “collecting”, but no, not nearly all of them

100% of the proceeds went to BCRF, actually


as far as I know, BC remains a incurable disease, and affects a huge number of people

the research to find a cure is important

the money to fund that research is ergo important

not at all

the two phrases mean two different things

You can look it up, 80% goes to research which, I dunno, seems pretty reasonable?


My guess is they got a cease and desist. Which is just a threat of a lawsuit for future behavior.

You :clap:t3: Do :clap:t3: Not :clap:t3: Need :clap:t3: A :clap:t3: Contract :clap:t3: To :clap:t3: Donate

Have :clap:t3: Another :clap:t3: Good :clap:t3: Day! :clap:t3: :slight_smile:

If the Pink Mercy skin was a Blizzcon skin or Preorder skin then I can understand it having some sort of value and not returning because usually Preorders are expensive just like a Blizzcon ticket is ($50+ I believe).

But it’s not. So why do people care so much for its value to the point they don’t want it to return unless they already have plans to sell their account to make a quick buck out of it? Trolls lol

No one cares about Pink Mercy’s value, it was made for Charity, not to soothe player’s fragile ego. Literally no reason not to bring back the skin and donate the money again.

I’m ignoring y’all. Good morning/evening :heart:


No idea why I have a reply notification in this thread. :eyes:

But yeah… Pink Mercy exists.

edit: Oh, I muted someone.

If you muted me then you wouldn’t have seen the notification.

Try again :heart:

Man I gotta applaud you for being the CEO of hopium rn :laughing:

I mean who knows what OW2 will bring us. Like new charity events and collabs.

Would be nice to have a male hero charity skin as well if they ever bring Pink back.

Just think the likelihood is very small.

Considering the BCRF got IIRC about 12 million USD from the charity skin, I am sure if OW 2 gets to like 20-40 million again (no way in hell it will) they will reconsider another drive.

And the people who did it in the first place had far more pure motivations right? Who the hell cares what the motivation is for wanting a skin back? Honestly.



Where’s the Hog mankini?

Its the fact that alot and i mean ALOT of people made posts about how it would be for a good cause while being horrible at hiding the fact that the only reason they want it back is to get the skin and not the cause itself. If you dont see a problem with that behavior then thats your problem.

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Tbh those are at least willing to drop cash for charity to get the skin.

I’ve seen posts in the past wanting it in loot boxes and purchasable via in-game credit. :skull:


And once they got the money how much went toward actual research?