Maybe I'm stupid

I am an OW1 owner, sooo shouldnt i have Kiriko unlocked? I dont understand. The game clearly recognizes my OW1 progress and skins etc. But somehow I’m treated like a new player regarding the battle pass?

I own OW1 since 2016 btw.


I’m on the exact same boat as you, seems to be just another issue of this whole server bugs and stuff.
At least I hope it is.

Yes you should. Are you looking at the lock icon in the hero gallery? It’s just there to indicate that she’s locked in competitive.

Are you sure? It might be, I haven’t really checked that tbh, but still I don’t seem to have access to the Battlepass that I already payed having bought the Watchpoint pack ( I know that kiriko is free for ow 1 users).

She is is also locked in the battle pass section and it says requires premium battle pass to unlock.

In the same boat AND I bought Watchpoint during the betas and now it’s not unlocked for me.

Theoretically if you go into a quickplay game or something you should be able to play her.

Yeah that’s definitely just a bug. Hopefully they sort it out soon.

She’s locked for me as well but still playable in-game, don’t worry. Just join a QP game and see.

As an Overwatch owner you get access to all the heroes except Kiriko.

To get Kiriko you need to grind the Season 1 Battle Pass to the level 55 free tier or purchase the Premium Battle Pass and get her straight away.

There’s a bug that’s causing some players to not have access to characters and skins that they should, including the Watchpoint Pack content.

No, Overwatch owners do get Kiriko for free through the Founder’s pack.


Got a link to where this has been confirmed?

Players who own the original Overwatch will also receive Kiriko through their Founder’s Pack, which needs to be redeemed by logging in before the end of Season Two.

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Ah, okay, thanks for that. Wasn’t aware that was a thing!

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All OW1 owners get kiriko for free.

Source: played her in QP before buying the premium pass

i got the same shop 2 times
is it a bug or just luck