Maybe if we complain enough Dva nerf will be reverted

The first time he was OP he only received +35 shields and more meteor strike speed. People only started playing him because some of his bugs got fixed, and like 2 months later he got sledgehammer nerfs to all of his kit except punch.

Then he had his cooldowns reduced by 1 second, and then became meta during double shield, then got his shields, punch, and uppercut nerfed. He wasn’t even OP then he just could go through shields and comboed well with Orisa right click.

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Well, anyways, my point is that Doomfist absolutely got more than just nerfs. They’ve messed with his balance like crazy ever since they made him.

I think the nerf is right, just give her a tiny buff to something else perhaps.

It’s because every time they nerfed him, he got nerfed to the Bastion realm and they HAD to buff him back. Every single time. When he released he had his punch nerfed and got left in the shadows for MONTHS with over 50 bugs in his kit. Then they buffed him, fixed his bugs to make him a good hero. Then they nerfed him back to the Bastion realm. Had to buff him again, and he just so happened to be meta during double shield, so he received numerous nerfs AGAIN. Not a single bug fix since then btw

Well, yeah, but my original point was that you weren’t accurate about him only getting nerfs.

You missed the part where D.Va isn’t a DPS hero.


Well I said for years. Pretty sure the last buff he received was like December 2018 shortly after his first sledgehammer nerfs. Ever since then has been nerfs and no bug fixes.

He was pretty OP only 6-8 months ago. It can’t have been that long…

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Like I said: He was only meta because of double shield. He was bad during double sniper, he was good in goats with Hackfist until he received his sledgehammer nerfs then he was bad in that meta.

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He feels so clunky now because they changed so many things, usually slowing him down. That is half the reason I just converted to Genji. He feels silky smooth.

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Yeah, that uppercut nerf was uncalled for. I don’t know why they were even nerfing him, he wasn’t statistically out of line.


Boosters needed to be nerfed, 3 second cooldown was a huge decrease to her skill floor. If her pick rate drops, I bet we’ll see 70% movement speed while shooting in the next patch.

I’m just shocked that Reinhardt gets to stay overpowered while other tanks get nerfed and Mei gets deleted, their priorities are just … bleh.

I can only think the Reinhardt thing must be related to OWL. Why they don’t just quietly force the teams to pick the comps they want I don’t understand.

I play from time and time myself and even have an account which is all about her and also I play enough comp to see her multiple times per day.

Her boosters are just too forgiving. Don’t get me wrong. She needed a nerf but this was just too much. She could contest highground every 3 seconds and dive into the enemies and as soon as she notices that this is a bad idea she DM for herself and then her boosters are back anyways.
This situation is pretty common, especially if she has a healer on her who heals against the incoming DMG.

We will see how she performs with 4 seconds now. Hopefully, if she gets back to her old, bad state - she will get a buff, a different one.

But meeh, people still claim her to be bad right now so… I guess there will be always people who cry out lout No hate… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

It will not. From now on you have to ask “does this change make the tank like an actual tank, or just a fat dps?” If it doesn’t make them more like a tank, it’s a bad change.

So does Blizzard since they don’t want her to peel

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You must be new around the forums, then. With a head buried in the sand it was. In reality it’s more like consistent threads being posted these days, but it used to be legit raiding thanks to a whiny youtuber. Not a peep. Also, they got ignored.

Even the megathreads you mention are good examples of not simply caving to mass complaints. If a megathread advocating for a rework for any hero with hundreds of likes and thousands of replies doesn’t count as blizzard ignoring people making noise, I dunno what is.

But by all means, go ahead and get 20 friends and all spam topics about giving Sym 50 shields and see how that goes.

I bet you’ll realize Blizzard won’t listen to you for spamming something irrelevant very quickly. Now if you want to say “well it works when it’s actually a relevant topic like the current meta” then that makes more sense. Of course they’re going to address the meta. Call THAT caving to whiners if you want, but just know they often don’t do the change people want and people always seem to ignore instances when blizz doesn’t nerf other heroes that get complained about. For example, recently there have been quite a few threads asking for rein nerfs. Unsurprisingly, he’s missing from the ptr notes.

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This is embarrassing, stop larping. Your rights haven’t been taken away, the cooldown on one ability of your favourite character in a video game got increased by a second.

Oh word? It’s two seconds now?


Dva player here. The nerf is fine, she shouldn’t be that mobile. In fact I’d prefer it to be back to 5 seconds so she’s not as hard to punish. Makes her more fun and engaging to play. I don’t want decision making to be removed from Dva’s kit.