Maximilien's Vault

Check your store for skin discounts, in Maximilien’s Vault tab. Managed to grab Lilith Moira for the price of an Epic.



The biggest discount for a legendary I have is Lifeguard Lifeweaver 38% off,from 1900 to 1178 coins.

I have 2 skins for LW,2 for Mercy and 1 for Ana - it did pick heroes I play,but I’m seeing a lot of people say that their Vault is full of heroes they don’t touch,lol.


In my case it was 2 Moira skins and 3 Lifeweaver skins. Indeed some of my most played, but weird that Mercy was left out of it. XD

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I got nothing interesting there + they tossed there skin I already own :no_mouth:

It correctly picked my most played heroes (Rein, Reaper, D.Va, Bastion) but it purposedly pick bad skins that i didn’t bother to own :rofl:

Wow… that is unfortunate.


I wonder if there would be any reset or something.
Like…2 solider skins - hero I don´t even play, than skin I already own and the rest of it is just epic recoloured junk.
It would be amazing, if it considered your hero choices and ofc didn´t include skins you already own xD

Just a bunch of Mercy and Kiriko skins I don’t want, lol.


I got 2 Ashe, 1 junkrat, 1 Cass and a Rein. Maybe the fact I mostly play MH is skewing this because I very rarely pick these heroes in other modes and in fact Junkrat is one of my least played heroes in 8 years of playing the game! Doesn’t really matter anyway because I’m still not paying over 1000 coins ($10) for a skin!

It has the time limit of like a week, so… perhaps? No idea.

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It gave me skins for Zenyatta and Sojourn to pick from. I don’t play Soj and I only play Zen every so often in QP. The vault is cool though.

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If you have XBox GamePass, you “own” skins from the previous 3 seasons. My vault was mostly full of these “owned” legendaries, like “Lifeguard” Roadhog and “Ultrawatch” Cassidy.

Since the game thinks I own them, I cannot purchase them at the discount. When Season 15 starts and those skins are rotated out of my gallery, I won’t own them and I won’t have the chance to purchase them from the vault.

This is just a poor implementation of the same “Just For You” section, but meant to feel better by trying to make the discounts feel bigger.


3 Lifeweaver, 1 Moira, 1 Sym. I would love to have 2 skins but nope.

Funny what MR makes them do.

I have a whopping 5 Zen skins. Tempted to get the Rubber Duck one.

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Max’s vault it yet another way to blizz scam players and take their money.

I’m not home to check but I’m curious to see what it does with me given I have no favorites

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Bathmaster Zen - 50% off. Pretty dang tempting, though I really was thinking of using my leftover currency on Celestial Zen, it’s gorgeous and I don’t really have a Zen skin I default to when I play him.

Hermes Lucio - 43% off, not bad skin at all but not one I’d spend on.

Space Raider Cass - 22% off, I don’t think it looks that good. Not sure if I’m recalling correctly, but it may of been in a credits shop event once as well.

Witch Kiriko - 16% off. don’t really like her character at all and just use her Mythic to get the job of making her look decent. A pass, but a nice skin none the less.

Art Deco Symmetra - 19% off, this was in the credit shop event and I passed on it then. I won’t be paying money for a slight discount on it.

Lucio and Cass are high on my play times. Symmetra is more high middle ground and Zen middle of the pack. Kiriko is barely played. I think it looked at like this week or so playtime and gave me Zen and Kiriko since I’ve picked them in comp some this week.

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that vault offered me really bad options 1 legendary skin 3 epics…

It should be a legendary vault offering rare or limited time skins not a regular shop skins with discount.

I got the Lilith Moira in mine. Very tempting.

And a super cute Brig that I’ll be passing on just because her Antifragile skin is better.

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remember the hype people created around maximillien because he was mentioned on numbani map? well this was, no lore, no pve, no him as playable character, just a shop update, of course, is overwatch 2 what we are talking about