Max Vault: wth algorhythm are you using?

5 skin options; only 1 hero I really ever play. Of the other 4x, I never even played the one more then 5 mins. What the hell algorhythm are you guys using for this? good lord, try again…

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Right? I got heroes I don´t even play + one skin I already own!

Probably the same one that they use for the “for you” section of shop that’s existed for like a year now

You know…the one that never actually shows you stuff you’d be interested in…probably because it’s really hard to guess what people are thinking even with a bunch of info

(unless of course it’s the matchmaker…then they know exactly what everybody is doing so they can force that 50:50 :wink:)



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Remember: the algorithm is not only considering what your play preferences are, but it has to consider what you already own and WHAT THEY ARE WILLING TO PUT ON SALE. If something is selling well, you shouldn’t expect it to appear as a sale item even it’s for your favorite character.

Also, the algorithm appears a bit wonky right now. Got a bunch of offers for characters I never play. Will probably get better as algorithm is iterated.

Advanced blizzard AI used for matchmaking obviously

I mean only if you can read player profiles and recent history and put haaw history

Than why I got offered skin I already own and heroes I don´t even play?

Cross- referencing what you owned with what they were willing to discount probably left them with no choice but to offer an item you own. And as I said, first pass of system is wonky. It will probably get better on subsequent offers. They had the same issue with the Diablo 4 discount system.

except the skin I owned was for hero I don´t even play xD

Double check if you own it, their have been many recolors released some are pretty close to the original.

Like I said, system is making questionable choices right now like the Diablo 4 one. My first “fortunate finds” were cosmetics for barbarian and rogue. I had only played Druid and Sorcerer up to that point. Lol

It eventually figured out what I was actually playing regularly and started offering appropriate cosmetics for the right classes. I figured the same thing happened here.

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You will be glad to know the answer is “huh?”.

This is the same company that’s allegedly manipulating MM to perfectly guarantee wins and losses, btw :smirk: some algorithmic gods working there apparently.

I mean…sure it could use 5 years of data from my account for that…right?

It will eventually. This is a first run and is probably only pulling limited data. They’ll figure it out eventually.

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I think it just goes for skins you don’t have (at least for me)? If so it might make sense if the majority of skins lacking are from heroes you don’t play.


bold to assume they are using any kind of alogrithm or anything pro consumer

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Oh I see. I was hoping/thinking it was at least like the old loot box system where you do get duplicates but it’s weighted towards skins you don’t have. But I guess it is just random

bro the noper of nopington obviously gets deep 90% discounts bro for shilling so hard :rofl: