Max Comp Drive points per game?

I just got a 69% increase from a game but only 300 drive points…is there a cap of points per game and if so where was this advertised?

aw dang I didn’t know that. I’d been telling unranked people to hop in cuz they will have a ‘rapid calibration’ advantage for the event after they finish placements lol.

TBH I think they should remove that cap… The event should encourage new players to try competitive… they are not gonna stay if their experience is awful and they have to grind 10 more games than everyone else on top of it… on only ONE role too they don’t even get the luxury of queing up their other 2 roles unless they do another 20 games with no reward.

To be fair though… if you got 69% and 690 pts you could finish the entire event in 5 wins though lol.

And lastly… begs the question if they cap the LOST points to 150? if you had lost 69% would you have lost 345 pts? 300 pts? or would they have also thought about that and capped it at 150?