Mauga would be fun if ana didnt exist

Difference between baiting an ability and trading a 12s cooldown for a 19s cooldown

A .5 second sleep wouldn’t be annoying.

The whole issue with sleep is that it’s essentially a free kill as soon as you land it. The person hit PHYSICALLY cannot move for either 3 or 5 seconds.

It’s ESPECIALLY bad for tanks, who are simply not hard to hit with it. I’d rather deal with a hyper mobile hero being on the loose, than a support hero that physically makes certain heroes IMPOSSIBLE to play.

That’s not how it works at all.

Those hypermobile heroes that sleep stops? Those heroes have healthpools so large that non-CC heroes can’t stop them because they’re built for a game with things like sleep in them.

If you get rid of sleep, heroes like ball can be balanced to actually die to being shot at. More fun for everyone.

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Mauga is getting rekt by Ana.

He is like a Roadhog with charge but without the Breather.

Hilarious how Ana already disables a new Hero that hasn’t even been released.


This is so idiotic.

You’re stacking dumb role passive effects because of one broken hero.

Scrap all role passives, stop balancing the game around roles and rework ana out of the game.

Average stun is 1 second or less, not sure why anyone was ever okay with a 5 second stun

Bruh, using one character as an example of countering all the other characters means the one character is the problem, not the other way around. No single character should be a necessity, so saying one is means that one is breaking the rules.


that’s against mauga mirror comps with bastion

Disruptions will always be annoying. Its why McCree’s flashbang was annoying, and why his current nade still annoys people.


No, that’s not the issue people typically mention. It might be your issue, but there’s people who just think its annoying to be unable to play the game. Even if you were completely immune to damage while sleeping, people would still complain about being stopped. Just look at anti Ana threads for verification on that.

That mindset hasn’t worked yet, it won’t work after they remove sleep, and I think we need to admit that. The “if we change this, everything will be better!” brigade has a nearly 100% track record of failing. Overwatch has never been more hated than it is now because of it. At what point do we just admit that?

At no point did I say Ana is the exclusive counter to each and every last mobility hero. I just said she’s a great counter to mobility. Of course, I’m sure you won’t care about that; you might just go tell others that I said “Ana counters all mobility and shouldn’t be nerfed because of it”. You wouldn’t be the first person to do that.

Fact are simple: nerf sleep, and mobility heroes get an indirect buff. That doesn’t mean she’s the only one countering mobility, and nothing in that sentence suggests that she is. However, as I said before, you probably won’t care about that.

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Because his current nade is a homing missile sombra hack.

Mauga would be fun in 6v6. Ana is only a huge nuisance for tanks because we don’t have a 2nd tank to counter the Ana.

You’re point was that if Ana’s sleep wasn’t around that people would be more annoyed by mobility characters. That implies that she’s all-important.

But, of course, I’m sure you wouldn’t care about that. You just don’t want her to be nerfed because “nerf bad”

Not exactly correct, Ana is just a bigger nuisance as of 5v5

She was already a nuisance, it just became more pronounced.

That absolutely does not imply she’s “all-important”, and I think you know that. My comment says nothing about how important she is as a counter, simply that mobility would be more annoying due to a lack of counter.

Predictably, you didn’t care like I said you wouldn’t. The only issue is on your end where you decided I meant Ana was “all important”. You assumed, its on you.

You are entirely correct to say I don’t care. Its because you’re wrong. If I made incorrect judgements or statements about you, would you care?

It might actually be worse than playing hog into ana

So if Ana isn’t all important then, nerfing her would be A-OK. She needs changes because she’s a consistently problematic character.

No. Because any nerf is an indirect buff to certain aspects of the game. Baptiste isn’t all important, but nerfing his IF is a buff to burst damage and the like. I’ve said and implied that before, but you got to “people would be more annoyed” and your brain registered that as “Ana is the most important support in the entire game and you can’t nerf her”.

Not only do I not agree with that sentence, the way a lot of you guys talk about Ana is evidence that you don’t care about Ana as a character or how she effects the game as an individual unit. You think the game would be better if she was stiffly nerfed and you have not and will not think about any downsides to nerfing her.

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There shouldn’t be overarching downsides to nerfing a single character, if there are then that character needed the nerfs because they’re too strong

You don’t know what you’re talking about. Nerfing any character has its over arching downsides. Each and every character effects the way the game is played, and if you think you can nerf heroes in a way that effects nothing, then there’s not much I can say to convince you.

Characters keep each other in line in some way. Its the inherent way the game is made. If you can nerf a character in a way that effects nothing else, its only because that character is so awful, that they could be removed with little issue.

Each character affects how you approach a match. Ana effects that too much because she counters every tank more or less and some extremely.

If a character’s effect on the game is too profound, then they’re a problem. That’s why they have buffs and nerfs at all.

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