Mauga Lights Up the Arena in a Limited-Time Trial!

Disney collab confirmed

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Yeah, when i’m face to face with his greatness in battle, i dont even know how i feel

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I meant, Genji, Hanzo are also all cheap ripped off of Japanese ninja and overlord, but it s OKAY.

His control scheme is broken. Just like soldier’s ult. If you’re trying to use controller and mouse at the same time they are cancelling each other out which results in it being basically short burst fire and well, easy death.

(For soldier’s ult it makes the lock-on constantly switch to a different person if they’re in range)

Please fix

He also hits the pose if you pop a souvenir out. There’s also one other Maui reference that he does that’s slipping my mind atm.

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Why is it a limited trial if the hero is already patched into the game client?

I like the gameplay but once again another tank who is completely dependent on the supports to be able to do anything.

What that said, the core gameplay is shameless ripoff from Paladins and the visual design is… even more shameless ripoff.

Also can the tank class finally gets at least 1 appealing female character other than dva?

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Remember when Orisa was a cute, innocent, aspiring hero? Pepperidge Farm remembers…

Because they did us a solid and let us try new hero before the releasing date. Usually only the Blizzcon goers get to do that.

His stats may need adjustments for all we know.

Yeah. What happened with that? Also still hard to find appeal in a robotic cow.

Makes sense but from technical standpoint looks like hoarding content back.

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Uhm JQ??? She’s far more appealing than too

Everyone has their own tastes but I see JQ as someone:

  • Who doesn’t shower or bathe for weeks
  • Chooses to use the filthiest outhouses
  • Overall, dgaf if you get sick being 50 feet near her.

I choose personal hygiene.

Also, how can you deny the appeal of Orisa?


You got me in the first half, I aint gon lie

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