Mauga is bad character design

Mauga is an example of bad character design.

Someone thought to themselves, let’s take Bastion, make him a tank, and give him Reaper lifesteal. And a charge for mobility.

He’s not fun to play. He’s not fun to play against. Watching his gameplay is very boring. You can’t buff him or he becomes ridiculous. All you can do is leave him as a low rank stomper, but then that degrades the experience of the majority of players.

My advice: delete Mauga. Move up the release of a different hero. He’s a big net negative to the game.


Fair enough if you feel that way, but personally he’s quickly becoming my favorite tank to play. Whether he’s poorly designed from a balance perspective or whatever, I don’t really care, I’m just happy that I get to use two miniguns that go BRRRRRRRRRRR.

I’m glad you find the miniguns cathartic. The problem is that he’s a permanent Bastion turret, with a large health pool, and lifesteal, and a huge hit box.

This means that when you go BRRRR you also get hit by every cooldown and ranged shot in the game. Not fun. This necessitates a lot of babysitting by your supports, or you die and don’t get to play the game and go BRRR. So your supports don’t really get to play because they must keep you up because everything is hitting you. Its very dull gameplay.

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The only thing I absolutely don’t like about his kit is how useless it is against anything other than the enemy Tank. The last patch doubled down hard on that, too. They really want Mauga to be the Apex Predator of Tanks that dies to everything else.


Bastion works because of a limited health pool. Reaper works because of a limited health pool. However, a combination of Bastion + Reaper in tank form is just bad, bad design. It forces everyone involved into staring contests - staring at your Mauga to keep them up or staring at the enemy Mauga to focus the massive hit box down. It’s extremely dull.

The very best scenario is if you get teammates that all know dive so you all just avoid the Mauga. But the underlying problem is that his core gameplay loop consists of pressing W.

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:palm_tree: :tropical_drink: :tropical_drink: :palm_tree:

hes pretty much a human form of bastion with dual op chainguns like its pretty much insta shred with his chainguns like kiriko cant even keep up in heals i dont know if any support can keep up in heals so a team can survive against an assault by mauga

Mauga is quite fun to play. He just needs some survivability tweaks. I actually also like playing against him, because stuff actually dies. I don’t like playing with him because of the survivability issue.

Are you joking? he’s one of the coolest heroes in this game, and wonderful to use until the kids cried and killed him with nerfs

I personally love him, just his personality is enough for me tbh. The miniguns are something beautiful, especially against reins and dvas, no thoughts just cash money.

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I think Mauga should have a lot more effective range, and be better at killing squishies, but squishier and worse at killing tanks. I think the main challenge of playing Mauga should be taking space using suppressive fire without a huge amount of bulk to fall back on.

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in my opinion the damage from the fire should be reduced and that’s it, and I would bring back the damage and dispersion from before, now he’s a useless hero.

Now he is just Reaper steak dinner

Nah dual miniguns go hard. Feels like being this guy on steroids

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I thought the characters should either be straightforward(braindead) and mechanically demanded, or mechanically easy and complex. But I ate my words since Moira came out.

What’s fun about it? Has almost zero utility, is utterly dependent on life support because he has no mitigation. Ana can solo him 70/30 or better no problem. Kiriko can face blast him down solo if she has good positioning. His positioning is irrelevant. Mauga v Mauga is really bad because you have this two dimwits circle strafing each other basically not even participating in the match just railing on each other. It’s so bad I can’t believe someone in a meeting somewhere even brought this up, let alone actually saw ut go live.

I have always preferred the spray type guns. I enjoy that stuff actually died when he’s on the field (too much survivability is annoying). I enjoyed he doesn’t one shot. I enjoyed that he has decent peel potential for his supports without it feeling like there’s absolutely no point in going for them because they are overly protected. I enjoy his art , voice lines, and emotes. I enjoyed trapping people in his ult.

IDK I just enjoyed Mauga.

His character also looks like Maui so it’s not even good in that regard either

You say that like it’s a bad thing. I like Maui.

I don’t mean Maui is a bad character design. I mean that Mauga’s design looks like the copied Disney’s homework lol